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I woke up a bit late. As I was trying to take some books and necessary records, my migraine started acting up. I tried taking medicine, but I was not okay. 'Sleep little more. You'll feel okay,' Mom said. 'Mom, I am already late,' I told her. 'Doesn't matter. Take a nap. See your eyes, it's all swelled up from crying. No wonder, you got a headache so early,' she said. 'Mom, stop bringing that up. What should I do now?' I asked her. 'Gosh, don't think so much. It's just a class, not even an exam. Take a day off, and rest,' she said. 'Really?' I asked her. 'Why not? Aren't you sick?' she asked. 'I am,' I replied. 'Then go to sleep,' she said. I went to my bed again, after getting a green signal from my mom.

I woke up again, and realized that it was already noon. I checked my phone and saw three missed calls- one from Ashna, one from Lakshmi and the other one was from an unknown number. I copied the number and pasted it on 'Truecaller' as I was afraid if it was from a hater. It showed 'Reyansh Rajiv' and I was shocked. 'Why did he call me? Where did he get my number from?' I thought. Then suddenly I got a conference call from Ashna and Lakshmi, and I attended it. 'Rad, are you okay? Are you taking a leave because of this issue?' Ashna asked. 'Not at all. I was about to get ready and then I got a headache,' I said. 'Oh. I thought you were sad because of the issue,' she said. 'I am sad. But I don't want to solve it by running away from it,' I said. 'Oh by the way, Reyansh came to our class in the morning. Those girls were looking at him so sweetly, trying to catch his attention,' Lakshmi said. 'Did you give my number to him? I saw his missed call,' I asked them as I was curious. 'We didn't dare to. But he took my phone and found it himself,' Ashna said. 'Bloody fool, you shouldn't have,' I said. 'When he left, they all asked me if I had his number. Seems like they all are his fans,' she said. 'He is so popular in the campus. His songs are posted even in our college website and official page. His fan base is more than we can imagine. We have to do something. Otherwise those crazy fans will go insane,' Lakshmi said. 'Lax, don't scare her,' Ashna said. 'Ash, I am not trying to scare her,' Lakshmi said. I felt like they became closer in my absence as they were calling each other by complete names yesterday. 'Though it's scary, it's a fact indeed,' I told her. 'Rad, teacher came. We gotta hang up,' they said. I smiled and kept my phone aside.

I hurried to grab something as I was feeling so hungry. 'You are up? Are you feeling better?' Mom asked. 'Yes, much better,' I replied. 'Eat something then,' she said. She served lunch on the table, and I grabbed it fast as I couldn't hold my hunger any longer.

'Rad, your phone is ringing,' I heard her. I rushed to pick it up. It was him. My heart was beating faster. I doubted if I should pick it up or not. On the last ring, I answered it. 'Hey, what happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you come today?' he asked. 'I am fine. I took a day off, not because of that issue, but I was having a headache,' I replied. 'Oh. So are you okay now?' he asked. 'Yeah,' I replied. 'I am sorry that it's because of me,' he said. 'Why are you apologizing? This is what you wanted, right? You always wanted attention. And now, enjoy it. How many times I have told you, not to bring up that old things again? Have you ever listened to me? This incident won't cause you any damage. But everyone is just blaming me,' I said. 'I know I am wrong. I shouldn't have brought that up,' he said. 'What's the use of apologizing now? Late regrets and realizations won't do any good,' I said. 'Hey, don't be angry. I'll do everything to remove that post,' he said. 'Really?' I asked curiously. 'Of course. Why wouldn't I?' he asked. 'Well...okay then,' I said, on thinking to hang up. 'Hey, don't hang up,' he said. 'What now? Don't you have class?' I asked. 'Class...? Right now I am in the practice room. We have an inter college competition next month. So, I was busy with song selection and all,' he said. 'Oh, then carry on,' I said. 'Rad...' he called. 'What!?' I asked. 'So you are not angry with me anymore?' he asked. 'First, solve this issue. Then I'll consider stopping being mad at you,' I said. 'So cruel,' he said. 'Rey...' it accidentally came out of my mouth. 'Wait. What did you call me?' he asked. 'I didn't call you anything,' I replied. 'No, don't lie. I heard it. Rad, it's been ages since you called me like that. You were always using my full name, even when mere batchmates are calling me short name,' he said. A deep sigh, that was my reply as I had no words. 'Why aren't you replying?' he asked. 'I am fed up with the nonsense. I accidentally called you 'Rey' and you are making a scene out of it,' I said. 'No, I am not. You are the one who is creating a scene out of it,' he said. 'Ok, then freeze. End of the nonsense,' I said. 'Rad, I actually wanted to talk to you,' he said. 'Aren't we talking now?' I asked.

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