53. Chapter (Returned From The Grave)

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Daniel gazed upon his mother, as he did each morn, his conscience burdened by the weight of his own actions. He knew he must hasten to Eliza, or rather, to John, and rectify the situation brought forth by his own doings. It was not duty that propelled him, but the burgeoning sentiments that grew more profound with each passing day. They pressed upon his chest, granting him no respite in slumber, and he, in turn, sensed a growing distance between himself and the servants, innocent souls who bore no blame for the recent turmoil that had befallen his family, and who had to bear his irate mood.

His thoughts also turned to his absent brother. Weeks had passed since his departure, and it was presumed he would remain absent for some time. Alas, this presumption was swiftly proven false.

"What tidings of our mother?" he heard from behind.

Daniel turned to his brother, yet the reproaches that lingered upon his lips fell silent, for his brother's countenance held a peculiar expression filled with shadows.

"It neither improves nor worsens. She remains ensconced in unconsciousness," he replied instead.

Felix approached their mother, pressing a tender kiss upon her brow. He stood beside her, his visage frozen, while Daniel quivered with inquisitiveness.

"Where have you been?" he inquired of his younger brother.

"That is of no consequence," came Felix's sharp reply.

"And have you located our father?" Daniel pressed on.

Felix nodded in affirmation.

"And what transpired? What words did you share?"

Felix did not respond immediately, a heavy pause preceding his eventual words. "Words that you, yourself, would have uttered I'm certain."

Daniel surveyed his brother's countenance with a scrutinising gaze. Within its confines, beyond the veil of weariness, lay an enigma he had never before witnessed, yet he could not discern its true nature. Determined, however, that whatever had transpired between his father and brother, he would not extract it. He would allow Felix to reveal it at his own accord, when he deemed himself prepared. And so, Daniel redirected their discourse:

"I beseech you to watch over our mother whilst I embark upon a most crucial visit."

Felix's brow furrowed, curiosity etched upon his features. "And what do you refer to?"

Daniel sighed, the weight of his forthcoming words palpable. "I venture forth to the abode of the Prices, wherein I shall beseech Lady Eliza for her hand. For the third time, that is."

Felix's response manifested in a soft whistle. In that moment, a plaintive whimper escaped their mother's lips.

"Mother?" Daniel implored, drawing nearer to her ailing form.

For an instant, he believed it nought but a figment of his imagination, yet as her moans persisted, and her head stirred, he knew his senses had not deceived him.

"Mama, Mama! Awaken," he entreated, grasping her hand, and in response, Rose's eyes fluttered open.

Her gaze alighted upon Daniel, then shifted to Felix, her feeble attempts at a smile thwarted by her weakened state. Her eyes closed once more, yet her voice, though hushed, resounded with fervour.

"You must hasten to the Prices, my son. I shall not yield to the embrace of death ere I witness my both sons wedded."

Both gentlemen chuckled and finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this drama would ultimately have a fortunate outcome. Felix then smiled and, with a touch of joviality, clapped Daniel on the shoulder before speaking.

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