Chapter-1 (1)

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Chapter - 1 (part1)

At the far end of the corridor, two figures could be seen making their way towards the Palace. Jean let Darrion lead the way since there was a chance that he would get lost not because he had no sense of direction.No.It was entirely because the size is huge!

As he followed after him with nothing else to do Jean could only observe the boy in front. Darrion, as he remembered was two years younger than the original owner of the body. At this point where the story has just begun the original was 19 years old so the boy should be 16or17 as of now.

After confirming both their ages he started to recall the plot which was still in its draft form. Though he wished to write stories about transmigrations he wanted his first story to be a normal one.

A story where the hero strives through the difficulties and sufferings thrown his way to become powerful enough to be admired by many and respected by all. But he was still not satisfied with just that, since almost all the stories that he had come across had the same concept.

Thinking about it he just made his story so that it focused on the female protagonist and her journey from being a hostage in the enemy country to becoming the Ruler of her nation.

Since the timeline was set in the medieval period when the status of women was not high, the female lead had a very hard time gaining her allies. When she was brought to the Credian empire as a hostage Lorelei became the center of everyone's attention.

Her bravery and intelligence left a deep impression on Emperor Gerhard. The Crown Prince Leon too was awed by her.

Even though she was a hostage the treatment she received during her stay was no less than an imperial guest. Except for a few places she was allowed to go wherever she wanted to within the palace premises.

It was during one of her palace adventures when she coincidentally met Justus while he was practicing his sword behind Jason's residence. It was a very well-hidden place, of which even the original had no idea and this very spot became the venue for the Protagonists' secret meetings.

As a harem genre novel, it had to focus on the female lead as she attracted bees and butterflies while looking for allies and gaining strength so that she could return to her country and make her enemies regret their lives.

There were in total 7 male leads.

The first male lead was named 'Justus Martin' while the second lead went by the name 'Emile Albrecht'.The villain was of course, 'Jason Ren Scholz' the original owner of the body he was occupying.

The story begins with the two leads' trials through life in their respective households. Life for the protagonists sails smoothly until they turn 20 and 19 respectively. They have the appearance, the love, the talent, and everything that one can ask for in life. The kingdom of Credia ruled by the 'Scholz' clan has several noble households, the ' Martin' and 'Albrecht' clans being two among them.

As the Male leads, Justus and Emile were naturally the exceptional talents among their peers. Toppers of their classes, talented in the arts, and last but not least were their looks.

With midnight black hair and eyes the shade of blue star, Justus appears to be carefully sculpted out of the finest jade that even his cold temperament feels perfectly fit for such a face. Emile, on the other hand, has bleach-blonde hair that reaches his waist and his emerald green eyes make one want to dive into those eyes. Unable to look elsewhere. People can't help but be drawn toward him due to his gentle and warm nature.

And it goes without saying that with such astonishing talents, there were people who wanted to bring down the protagonists and it was without a doubt that they failed having no face left at the end.

But when compared to the vicious cannon fodder villain the little tricks of these small fries were only like children playing pranks.

'Jason Ren Scholz' was the youngest among the four princes of the Credian empire with an arrogant nature. People who were deemed useless by him are regarded as dust. With a reputation as the typical 'trash,' he was the center of everyone's disdain. Even when the people were annoyed with his deeds no one wanted to be the victim of this little tyrant's temper by pointing out his faults. Like avoiding a plague everyone preferred to stay away from him whenever they happened to be in the same proximity.

These trivial matters were of course non of the villain's concerns. While turning a deaf ear to all the gossip he went about having fun with his friends all around the kingdom.

Turning another corner of the never-ending path Jean still immersed in his thoughts tried to remember the rest of the plot. As much as he could recall the so-called 'Brides' mentioned by Darrion must be the two members of the

As the author Jean was naturally familiar with the plot, at this point of the story this was when the lives of the protagonists turn for the worse. Jason, the 'trash of the family' was always envious of the people who were better than him and who has no particular talent to speak of. Surrounded by the frequent song of praises of the two talents of the 'Martin' and 'Albrecht' families he couldn't help but feel bitter. But this didn't explain the reason for the villain's twisted nature.

Being ignored by his father and due to the absence of his mother Jason grew up to be what he was up until now. The fact that the Emperor was constantly ill and unable to keep a check on his behavior didn't help much and the result was that Jason grew more unruly with his actions. Even the other Princes who were older than him didn't bother to correct his wrongs and the fight for the throne between the princes naturally didn't include Jason, the fourth prince.

Hence, being cast aside from the palace politics gave him all the time in the world to torment the people he found unsightly, which included the two members of the protagonist' harem.

It is said that 'the enemy of an enemy is a friend', so taking the chance of the fourth prince's sudden interest in making trouble for the young prodigies those little cannon fodders allied themselves to him from the sidelines.

The 'Martin' and the 'Albrecht families parallelly alongside the 'Ostien', 'Romsworth', and 'Driad' has been producing geniuses for the past three generations. This fact alone was difficult for those with high ambitions to digest. Hence, after much deliberations and pulling the strings from the dark they managed to convince the fourth prince in their scheme...or so they thought.

As a Prince, Jason was naturally not as naive as they had predicted. He had only wanted to humiliate the two thorns in his eyes and not be part of the palace politics, so when these people were rejoicing in their plan's success Jason who was a step ahead of them hence disposed of these nuisances one by one without the slightest hesitation. Now with his road clear, Jason put into action the 'brilliant' plan that they had come up with.

That is...To Marry The Male Leads As His Wives.

'The worst decision. Really =⁠_⁠= ' Jean thought as they neared another pair of huge doors. While writing the plot this was the best justification he could come up with to fan the flame of hatred between the villain and the protagonists. With both the families receiving the 'Imperial decree', the death flag was already raised for Jason.

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