Chapter -13

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Chapter - 13

This new dawn came about with the sun rising in the eastern horizon.

Such peace and quiet maketh one unwilling to leave thy bed.

Emile woke up earlier than usual and maintaining the same posture with his back facing down he lay awake without moving.

Trix, his attendant who was more like a brother hovered around his master hesitating before calling him.

Trix: "Master, lying on your bed like this is not gonna change the fact that you arranged an outing with the prince.You have to face it no matter what."

At this, the man on the bed heaved a heavy sigh and much more reluctantly propped himself up.

Ever since he made the appointment with the prince the previous evening Emile had been regretting every second of his inability to refuse the proposal.

Before arriving at the palace he felt like he had already more or less, if not entirely figured the fourth prince out.He had full confidence in his ability to read people out and deal with them accordingly.But from the very moment he had set foot into the royal residence he had closely been following the prince's movements and all his observations led to one conclusion; the fourth prince wasn't at all like what the rumours said.

It wasn't entirely different so to speak but for a person to be so contrasting from all their earlier actions and behaviour was very much suspicious.

Kind of an entirely different person...

He didn't want to ponder over it deeply, nit eight now when he has an appointment fixed.

Freshening himself up he dressed in his usual habiliments with a simple olive green flannel shirt and tight fitting trousers.

He didn't forget to grab his sketching kit though.Just in case.

Walking through the halls and doors he finally reached his destination where the carriage was already standing.Awaiting its occupants.

Everything was ready, a bunch of the Prince's guards, a pair of horses, the driver; only the main character was absent.


Right at the moment when Emile was wondering a cacophony of voices interrupted his trail of thoughts.

Speak of the devil.


Jean woke up at a much earlier hour than usual.He couldn't catch a wink of proper sleep and only managed to doze off lightly at the later half of the night.

Darrion was dragged awake by his Sire and made to shoo away his boredom.

He was helpless against this master of his and could only comply.

Slowly when with the break of dawn both began to prepare for the outing selecting which outfit to wear and what food to take.

Their clamoring in the kitchen soon attracted attention of none-other-than a pink-head, peeking through the door.

With his fatherly halo Darrion instantly walked up to the kid.Smilling from ear to ear he brought forth the child in front of his master introducing one another.

Darrion: " This Your highness is the Young Master Martin's younger sibling." and towards the child he said, "This here is my master the fourth prince, Jason-

Suddenly a hand was stretched out interrupting his speech.When Darrion followed the hand with eyes he saw his master for the first time taking the initiative to greet someone.It's not that surprising that he would find it strange to suddenly witness this scene because all those times when Jean was currying favor from the leads Darrion just so happened to be absent.If not for his years of building a strong mental foundation he would have already fainted.

While Darrion's inner self was still suffering from this great shock he strangely saw his lord smilling at the kid with adoration strongly visible in his set of big brown eyes while the prince crouched down on his knees to talk much to him to his horror.

Crouch! Crouch down?!

How can this be?!He is the Fourth prince!Do you know who the Fourth prince is?

He is the arrogant playboy of the kingdom who never lowers himself infront of anyone except the Emperor!

But what can Darrion do.He only timidly called "P-prince." awkwardly standing between the two.

"I am Jason.Jason Scholz.What is your name?Hm?"Jean slowly said.It is only basic manners to introduce yourself first and then ask for the other person's name.Especially when talking to children.It ought to put them at ease and follow the direction of the conversation.

Sure enough, the child immediately brightened up and with only a second of hesitation replied,"...I am Julia Martin.And I am 5 years old."

Jean couldn't help but let out a chuckle seeing the kid's mannerisms and thought 'He sure is a interesting thing this "Julia-

Wait Julia?

"You're a gi- I mean Lady?" It came as a shock to him but didn't show it on his face. He has kinda gotten used to these little surprises by now.Transmigrating into another world was good enough.He doesn't need anymore than this.

With one last look at Darrion he slowly rose up,

"Well, nice to meet you my lady if you wish you can join us on our outing.Your brother's friend will also be there.How about it?"

Julia was nervous, though she tried very hard not to show it.She had previously heard people saying that the Prince was a horrible person and liked to eat people alive.That he is ruthless and saw none as his equal so as a sibling who loves their brother deeply she decided to first observe him and today's observation hence led her to peeping across the kitchen doors.

"...but I don't think mother will agree."

'What if she upsets Brother Jus?'

Jean knows this too.With their current status of the relationship its natural for them to not trust him but he is still willing to take the risks.He seriously wants to get to know them better.

"Your rejection is hurting me my lady.Don't you think a slight change of pace is good for the mind?" Jean won't let this chance slip.He won't.

Faced with such an earnest invitation Julia started to falter.If she sees it this way it is indeed true.Anyways it's exhausting sitting hours spending reading.

With new determination she finally agreed, "I will go!"


Jean was delighted breaking into laughter.It is said that laughter is contagious and so is joy.

Affected by the atmosphere Darrion was filled with happiness too.


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