Mall (brothers pov)

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Carlos pov

When the lights went out in the mall, I was scared. Scared that something would happen to my sorellina and she would disappear again.

I don't want anything happening to my sorellina. I don't think I would be able to recover.

When the lights came back on and I couldn't find her I was panicking. I can't loose you again lil. You mean too much. I just got you back. Please don't leave me again. I thought.

We started frantically looking around the mall trying to find her. Then I thought I should call Dom, with his help we can find her faster.

"Dom we can't find her. We lost her and we can't find her anywhere..." I rambled.

"Carlos calm down. Breathe. Can't find who?" He said trying to understand what I was saying.

"Athena. We can't find Athena."

"What do you mean you can't find her? What happened?" He said getting a little angry and worried.

"We were walking to the food court to go eat, then suddenly the lights in the mall went out. But when it came back after a couple minutes Athena wasn't there. She was with us before the lights went but then gone. Idk what to do Dom? We have been looking for her but we can't find her..."

But before I could finish he hung up. I could tell that he was gonna be mad that we lost her but I don't care. All I want is my sorellina back.

Ever since she came back home, I have not talked to her. I have been ignoring her.

It's not like I am not happy that she is back with us. It's that I didn't want to get hurt if she left us again.

I know that doesn't justify ignoring her. When we find her I am going to apologize to her.

Domenico pov

I was sitting in my office with Andrew talking about the business deal we just made when I got the call from Carlos.

"Dom we can't find her. We lost her and we can't find her anywhere..." he rambled.

I put the phone on speaker so Andrew could listen.

"Carlos calm down. Breathe. Can't find who?" I said trying to calm him down.

"Athena. We can't find Athena."

"What do you mean you can't find her? What happened?" I said angrily. 

"We were walking to the food court to go eat, then suddenly the lights in the mall went out. But when it came back after a couple minutes Athena wasn't there. She was with us before the lights went but then gone. Idk what to do Dom? We have been looking for her but we can't find her..." 

He started rambling on about what happened. After I had heard enough I hung up not letting him finish.

Me and Andrew hopped in the car and got to the mall as fast as we could.

When we got there we saw Ace, Carlos and Axel  out of breath from running around the mall looking for Athena.

We tried calling her but her phone was turned off. We kept looking for her then suddenly Axel got a call from Athena. She said she was at a perfume store so we ran to her.

When I saw her standing in the store, I was so relieved that we found her. We quickly engulfed her in a big group hug.

After a while she said she couldn't breathe so we quickly let her go.

We all kept asking her questions about if she was hurt, where she was and blah blah blah.

Then we got McDonald's and went home. I was finally happy that my sorellina was safe and sound at home with us. With me where I can protect her.


Another short chapter. Thought I would do a brother's pov. 🤷‍♀️

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