Seeing him again

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Athena's pov

Today we are having family bonding day. We are going to go to the beach and then later have dinner at home.

We already had breakfast and now we are making some snacks for later. Carlos got coolers with ice and different drinks. Andrew and Ace made sandwiches. Me and Axel got loads of chips, cookies, gummy bears and some other snacks.

After we were done preparing everything we all got in two cars. In one car there is Dom, Carlos and Andrew. In the other car is me, Ace and Axel. Carlos and I were driving when he decided to speed up.

"Oh your on!" I speeded up and drive past him.

"What?" Ace and Axel said in unison.

We get to the beach before them and got the cooler out of the car. That's when they finally go here.

"What's up loser?" I said.

"Where did you learn to drive like that?" Carlos asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." I said and walked away. I heard him scoff and follow behind.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Sandro is going to join us." Ace informed me. Sandro? My Sandro?? That can't be he died that night.

"Oh ok" I said and sat down. I was wearing my bathing suit, shorts and crotched cropped top.

Her outfit ^

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Her outfit ^

Axel was building a sandcastle with some random little kids. Dom and Andrew were talking about work, boring. Carlos and Ace was getting the snacks out and I was sitting there reading my book.

"Hey guy! Miss me?" That can't be. I immediately whipped my head around and I swear I heard a crack.

It was him. My Sandro that died that supposedly died that night. All the memories that we shared came rushing back to me. My eyes got teary.

When he saw me he froze. "Lil..." he started. But before he could finish I punched him in the face.

"I deserve that." He said and I punched him again.

"And that" Then I jumped on him and started crying.

After a while I let him go. He started explaining but I interrupted him.

"Lil I am sorry. I had to..."

"How could you? How could you do this to me after everything we have been through? How could you leave me like that? You knew how I would feel. YOU FUCKING KNEW I WOULD FALL APART!"

"Lil I am sorry. I had too otherwise he would have hurt you. I couldn't let anything happen to you."

"You have more explaining to." I said.

"Can anyone tell me what just happened?" Dom asked.

"Oh me and Sandro knew each other since we were 4 years old. We used to be neighbors until I moved away. We still had contact until he decided to leave me."

"Oh ok." They all said.

"Do they know?" Sandro whispered to me.

"No not yet."

"Wait you are the lost sister!!??" He said finally figuring it out.

"Yeah. I know."

Then me and Sandro talked for like the entire time we were there then we heard Axel yelling for help.

"Ahhhhh Athena help!! Look that they are doing to me!" He yelled before getting thrown into the water by Carlos and Ace.

"Hahaha" everyone laughed. Then Axel pulled both of them in the water and they started having a water fight.

Then I took of my cropped top and shorts and joined them pulling Andrew and Dom with me.
We played in the water until we got tired.

We had our sandwiches and snacks and were talking rest of the time. We stayed at the beach until sunset then we drove back home.

We all took a shower, got changed and ordered pizza for dinner. We decided to watch a movie and then call it a night. Sandro decided to stay over tonight.

We are currently in the movie room trying to pick a movie to watch. "Ooo let's watch Avenger Endgame!" Axel exclaimed.

"Noo let's watch Mulan!" I said.

"How about we watch Fast and Furious?" Sandro said.

"Yeahhh!!" Everyone yelled. Just as we decided the movie the pizza got here. Andrew got it for us and we all started eating.

I was sitting with Carlos on my right and Sandro on my left and Axel was sitting on the single chair to our right. The couch on our left had Dom, Drew and Ace.

Halfway through the movie I put my head on Carlos's lap and my feet on Sandro's lap. Carlos was playing with my hair and I was feeling sleepy. Soon I fell asleep not finishing the movie.

Today was very fun. I got to know my brother more and I found my long lost bestie Sandro. We should do this family bonding days more.

I forgot about all of my worries and my demons today. I was finally able to enjoy my time after a long time.

Time skip...

In the morning I woke up to someone snoring really loudly. I saw that everyone fell asleep in the movie room. Ace's foot was on Dom's chest and Andrew was sleeping on the floor hugging the blanket.

Axel was upside down on the single couch and the one snoring. How did he even get like that?  Sandro was hugging my foot and Carlos was almost falling of the couch but he was somehow holding onto my arm.

I have to go pee but I can't get up because of Sandro and Carlos. I thought of the perfect prank to do.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Fire!!" I screamed.

Everyone jerked up from their sleep. Axel fell of the couch and was sitting on the floor. Ace kicked Dom of the couch and he leaned on Andrew, who yelled in pain. Carlos also fell of the couch and Sandro pulled his gun out.

Like seriously how is a gun gonna help when there is a fire. They were all looking at me very confused since there was no fire.

" guys..." I said in between my laughter.

"What the hell Athena!" Axel said.

"What! I have to go pee and I couldn't move because of them. And I thought it would be funny so.." I said.

I got up and out of the movie room and to my bedroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and picked my outfit for the day.

Her outfit ^

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Her outfit ^


Hey guys sorry for the late update but here you go!

What do we think about Sandro?

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