Who Will Be The Champion

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Early the next morning the White Rabbit was playing trumpet because today is that day of who could step up and be the champion to slay the jabberwocky, the White Queen and Alice were standing on the stairs while the others were infront of them in a crowd

who will step forth to be champion for the White Queen asked the White Rabbit as Hatter stepped infront of the crowd

that would be i said Hatter as Stella quickly rushed to the left side of him

Hatter no, you can't defeat the jabberwocky, if it wasn't for Cheshire you could've lost your head, i should do it said Stella as she looked at the White Queen but Hatter stopped her

no darling you can't fight the jabberwocky especially in this condition, your wounds need to heal plus the jabberwocky injured you once i don't want you to get hurt like that again said Hatter as he pressed his forehead against Stella's forehead

you both have very poor evaporating skills, i should be the one said the Cheshire Cat as he appears on the right side of Hatter then Mally stepped infront of the crowd

i'll do it said Mally then the tweedle brothers stepped infront of the crowd 

no me said Tweedle Dee as he raised his little wooden sword

no me said Tweedle Dum as he raised his little wooden sword

the White Queen motioned for the White Rabbit to unscroll the scroll and when he did it rolled down to the crowd and the tweedle brothers looked at it and they saw Alice was the one who had to slay it and nobody else

no other slayer nohow said Tweedle Dee

if it ain't Alice, it ain't dead said Tweedle Dum as his brother nodded but the White Queen wagged her finger at him then everyone looked at Alice and the White Queen turned to her

Alice, you cannot live your life to please others, the choice must be yours because when you step out to face that creature, you will step out alone said the White Queen as Hatter, Stella and the Cheshire Cat looked at her

Alice looked at the Tweedle brothers as they looked at each other then they looked back at her, then she looked at Stella who gave her a hopeful look with a nod cause she knew Alice was the one who could slay the jabberwocky but then she started backing away then she ran away and everyone looked at her with concern

oh Alice, please step up as champion we can't do this without you thought Stella

meanwhile Alice ran to the patio then she started pacing and she sat down on the bench then she started crying 

nothing was ever accomplished with tears said Absolem as he was hanging upside down with a cocoon almost covering him 

Absolem, why are you upside down asked Alice 

i've come to the end of this life said Absolem

you're going to die asked Alice 

transform Absolem corrected 

don't go, i need your help, i don't know what to do said Alice

i can't help you if you don't even know who you are, stupid girl said Absolem

i'm not stupid, my name is Alice, i live in London, i have a mother named Helen and a sister named Margaret, my father was Charles Kingsleigh, he had a vision that stretched halfway around the world and nothing ever stopped him, i'm his daughter, i', Alice Kingsleigh said Alice

Alice, at last, you were just as dim witted the first time you were here, you called it Wonderland as i recall said Absolem 

Wonderland said Alice as she started to remember when she was a kid and she came to the underland


a young Alice was walking through the forest then she saw the Cheshire Cat laying on a tree branch and he was smiling at her 

what do you call yourself asked the Cheshire Cat

Alice said Alice

the Alice, then i'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter but that's the end of it said the Cheshire cat 

the vision changes to where young Alice was having a tea party with Hatter, Stella, the March Hare and Mally 

she's the right one, i'm certain of it said The White Rabbit 

ah, Thackery not at the table please said Hatter as March Hare was balancing a spoon on his head with a teacup but it fell on his head

Have some tea said Hatter as he poured tea in Alice's tea cup and Stella came over with a tray of cupcakes with a smile on her face 

the next vision showed Alice riding on Stella's back cheering as Stella was flying in the sky, then after that Alice was was now chasing Stella with a water hose with Hatter and March Hare  as she was in her sabertooth tiger form with Mally on her back and when they both sprayed Stella getting her all wet along with Mally she grabbed with hose with her teeth then she started chasing Alice, Hatter March Hare while Mally was doing a battle cry when they started running away they were all having fun 

the next vision showed young Alice meeting Absolem

you're not Absolem, i'm Absolem stupid girl said Absolem as he blew smoke in young Alice's face as she waved the smoke away while coughing

the next vision showed a young Alice at the Red Queen's garden as she was painting a rose and the tweedle brothers were there along with the dodo bird

what is this asked the Red Queen as she watched young Alice painting a white rose red

 i'm Tweedle Dee, he's Tweedle Dum said Tweedle Dee

contratiwise, i'm Tweedle Dum, he's Tweedle Dee said Tweedle Dum 

you'd think she would remember all this from the first time asked the dodo bird 

the final vision showed the hallway the first time Alice first arrived in Wonderland 

end of flashback

it wasn't a dream at all, it was a memory, this place is real and so are you and so is Hatter and Stella said Alice

and the jabberwocky, remember the vorpal sword knows what it wants, all you have to do is hold on to it, fairfarren, Alice, perhaps i will see you in another life said Absolem as his cocoon completely covered him 

meanwhile the Red Queen was on her throne as her guards carried her and the knave was on his horse with all of the red guards marching to the White Queen's castle with the jubjub bird flaying in the air 

at the White Queen's castle, the White Queen's guards were lined up in rows of lines, Stella was in her dragon form and Hatter was on her back and he was holding a sword, the March Hare, the tweedle brothers, the White Rabbit, and Bayard with Mally on his head were in front of the guards and the White Queen was getting her horse ready, she looked at the guards hoping that Alice would come but when she didn't see her she looked done a bit in disappointment before she started petting her horse 

suddenly they heard something coming and they all turned to the gate and they saw Alice riding the bandersnatch and the guards were clearing a path for her and they smiled and Stella wagged her tail a bit and the White Queen got on her horse and the bandersnatch got in between the White Queen and Stella as she smiled at the White Queen and she smiled back, then Alice smiled at Stella as she smiled back with a nod then they all started walking to the battlefield with the white guards marching right behind them 

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