Alice vs The Jabberwocky

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Everyone arrived at the battlefield that looked like a big chest board and the red and white guards were right behind them, the White got off her horse while the knave got off his horse so he could help the Red Queen off of her carriage and both sisters walked towards each other while Hatter got off of Stella's back and stood infront of her with Alice by his side

the White and Red Queen stood infront of each other 

hello, Iracebeth said the White Queen 

hello, Mirana said the Red Queen as she didn't dare want to look at her sister while the White Rabbit played the trumpet 

on this, the Frabjous Day the Queen's Red and White shall send forth their champions to do battle on their behalf said the White Rabbit 

oh Racie, we don't have to fight said the White Queen as the Red Queen looks at her with her head raised

i know what you're doing, you think you can blink those pretty little eyes and i'll melt just like mummy and daddy did said the Red Queen as the White Queen held out her hand to her sister

please said the White Queen as the Red Queen looks at it but wasn't going to accept it 

no! it is my crown i am the eldest! exclaimed the Red Queen as she turned back to the others

Jabbereocky! the Red Queen called out 

the red guards started to clear a path as the Red Queen looks at her sister and both queen's backed away, as the red guards cleared a path the White Rabbit wimpered as he ran back to the others, the March Hare hid behind the Cheshire Cat as he disappears

suddenly a statue of a dragon started moving its wings and the Tweedle brothers were starting to gte scared then the wings of the jabberwocky fluffed out and the jabberwocky awoke with a roar

Stella growled remembering the first fight she had with the jabberwocky, he almost made her blind, Hatter and Alice were also scared

this is impossible said Alice

only if you believe it is said Hatter as the jabberwocky jumped down from his place he awoke from

sometimes i believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast said Alice as the jabberwocky roared again 

that is an excellent practice said Hatter as the jabberwocky started to make his way over to the battlefield

Stella wasn't really paying attention to what her husband and Alice were saying, she was focused on the jabberwocky as she snarled and growled, she never forgot the damage he did to her and her husband's life

however, just at the moment, you really want to focus of the jabberwocky like how Stella is doing right now said Hatter as he gestured to Stella as the jabberwocky was making his way over to the battlefield and the guards were backing away so the jabberwocky could walk through 

where's your champion sister asked the Red Queen as Alice walked infront of the White Queen, Hatter and Stella, she was wearing armour and she was holding the vorpal sword and a shield

here said Alice

hello um said the Red Queen as Alice looks at the jabberwocky as he roared again, the Red Queen and the knave looked back at the jabberwocky as he made his way over to them then the Red Queen looked back at Alice as she started walking towards the jabberwocky with the Red Queen and the knave backing away from the them

seven impossible things, count them Alice said Alice as she and the jabberwocky approached each other

one, there's a potion that can make you shrink said Alice as she and the jabberwocky stood infront of each other 

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