Chapter 39 - Planning a Rescue

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Eleanor tried to lift her legs one at a time to keep her dress away from the flames, but they were growing and getting closer.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" a deep voice shouted from up above and Eleanor raised her head to see Henry's brother Richard standing on the balcony above them with a rope in his hand.

Even though he was only fifteen, in that moment he looked like a grown man. He jumped from the balcony, swinging from the rope over to the platform, dropping down and landing with a loud thud as he unsheathed his sword.

The guard quickly pulled his sword out and lunged for him, but Richard blocked his strike, countering with one of his own. He moved with a confidence and precision that you would expect from someone far beyond his age. She remembered Henry saying that him and his father had taught Richard how to fight and right now she was very thankful for that.

As Richard fought with the guards, Eleanor watched the flames around her growing and she hoped he would be able to beat them in time to save her. She could feel the heat from the flames on her face and her toes were starting to get really hot. She scooted her feet back as close to the post as she could, but it didn't help very much.

Then she felt someone touching her hands and she looked back over her shoulder to see Henry's sister Joan untying the rope from her wrists. She suddenly felt some hope rising up inside her.

"These ropes are too tight. I'll have to cut them," she said before she started sawing at them with her knife.

"Get away from there!" Joan's mother shouted frantically. "What do you think you're doing?"

"The right thing!" Joan shouted back, sawing even more furiously as her mother rushed over to stop her.

Her mother grabbed her wrist, trying to pull the knife away and Joan reared her elbow back and hit her really hard, right in the nose. The former Queen was stunned and she blinked a few times as blood started to trickle from her nose.

"You hit me!" she screamed. "How dare you?!"

"I'll do worse than that if you try to stop me again. Now get back!" Joan shouted forcefully.

Right then the bottom of Eleanor's dress sparked with a flame and she screamed, "Hurry Joan! My dress is on fire!"

She started sawing at the ropes even faster and a couple seconds later the rope dropped, and her hands were free.

Joan took her hand and helped her jump down before they both started stomping out the flames on her dress, leaving the bottom of it singed in black. Eleanor was so thankful she threw her arms around Joan and gave her a tight hug, saying, "Thank you! You saved my life!"

She patted her back and said, "You're welcome, but it's too early to celebrate. This isn't over yet."

Eleanor looked over and saw Richard getting punched in the face by a large bearded man that had to be at least 6'7 and three hundred and fifty pounds.

Joan yelled, "Get off of my brother!" as she started beating on his back. He slowly stood up, getting off of Richard and he turned to face Joan with a hateful glare, wielding a long sword in his hand.

Eleanor swallowed hard as she looked up at his tall frame that towered over both of them, casting a shadow like a large tree. This man looked like a giant that could squash them under his boot like ants.

She looked over and noticed Joan didn't look scared at all. She was gripping her sword with determination in her eyes.

"Leave my brother alone or else," she growled through gritted teeth.

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