Chapter 59 - Coronation

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***** Eleanor's Point of View *****

Eleanor sat in Father Thomas' dining room, eating dinner with him, feeling nervous about what was going on with Henry at that moment. She tried not to think about it, but it was impossible.

As she was taking a bite of chicken, the front door opened and in walked Merlin.

"You're back so soon?" Father Lawrence asked him with scrunched brows.

He took a seat at the table and let out an exhale.

"Not by choice," he shrugged. "Henry didn't want me to go in with him. He said he needed to do this alone. He didn't even want to take any magic with him."

"He went in alone with no magic?" Eleanor asked.

That made Eleanor feel even more anxious than she already was. The thought of losing him again made her stomach clench up into a knot and she suddenly felt sick.

Merlin could obviously tell how worried she was because he said, "I wouldn't worry about him too much. If I didn't think he could handle it, I wouldn't have agreed to it. In all my years I've never seen a better swordsman than Henry. He's even better than his father was and that's saying a lot."

"He's right," Father Lawrence told her. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Last time was just a fluke."

She nodded, but the knot in her stomach didn't loosen.

A couple hours passed by and Eleanor was in the parlor reading by candlelight to take her mind off of things when she heard a loud knocking at the door.

She heard one of Father Lawrence's servants answer it and she tip-toed over to the door and peered down the hallway in curiosity, seeing Lord Buxley standing there.

"I have news about Henry," he told the woman that answered the door. She curtsied and walked away to get Father Lawrence.

Eleanor came out of hiding and walked towards Lord Buxley hesitantly.

"You have news?" she asked nervously.

He smiled and nodded. "Yes I do. He asked me to come here and deliver it to you and Father Lawrence and Merlin personally for him. I'll wait for the others so I can tell you all at once."

A few minutes later Father Lawrence came down the stairs wearing a nightgown and stocking cap followed behind by Merlin who was still in his normal clothes. He must not have slept yet. Maybe he was having trouble sleeping like she was.

Once they were all there Lord Buxley said, "Now that you're all here, I'm excited to tell you that Henry has slain Arthur and he is the King once more. He wants Father Lawrence to arrange for Eleanor to be crowned as his Queen tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?!" she shouted with wide eyes.

"Yes, he was very adamant that he didn't want to wait. He wanted it done right away. He asked me to come here and fetch you and Merlin and bring you back to the castle with me tonight. He asked for Father Lawrence to stay behind so he can make the arrangements for tomorrow."

"Why does he want me? Did he say?" Merlin asked.

"I believe he was planning to ask you to be his official royal mage sir, just like you were for his father."

A smile slowly crept across Merlin's face and he said, "Hmmmm. Well, it looks like I'll be moving out of the Forbidden forest after all."

"I'm sure you're glad about that," Father Lawrence laughed.

Merlin nodded and said, "Very. A man can only live in isolation for so long. Plus I'm looking forward to working for Henry. I know he'll be a good King like his father was."

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