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The missing diamond...

John's heart weighed heavy with regret as he reminisced on the year that had passed without Maria, the love of his life. It was an agonizing realization that he had lost her, all because of his own foolish choices and the consequences that followed. If only he could turn back time and undo the terrible mistake he had made-an affair that had not only shattered Maria's trust but also led to the birth of a child outside their marriage.

In his desperation, John had sought something he believed was missing from their lives-a connection with a child of their own. He had envied the bonds his friends shared with their children, yearning for the joy and fulfilment they experienced as fathers. But now, he saw the utter folly in his pursuit, the devastating toll it had taken on his marriage.

John berated himself for his delusion, for ever thinking he could keep such a secret hidden from Maria. What had he been thinking? How could he have been so naive to believe that an affair, let alone the existence of a child, could remain concealed forever? Shame washed over him, drowning him in remorse.

The memory of the moment Maria discovered his infidelity at a party resurfaced vividly in John's mind. He could still see the pain etched on her face, the anguish in her eyes. All he wanted was to hold her, to apologize profusely and beg for forgiveness. But he knew deep down that no amount of apologies could erase the hurt he had caused.

And then came the agonizing confession about the child. The mere recollection of Maria's heart-wrenching sobs brought John to his knees. The weight of his betrayal became unbearable, and he realized the irreparable damage he had inflicted upon their sacred bond.

Desperation consumed him, driving him to implore Maria to accept his affair child, hoping against hope that they could salvage some semblance of their shattered lives. But deep down, he knew that the damage had been done, and no amount of pleading could mend what was irreversibly broken.

The moment Maria uttered the word "divorce," John's world crumbled into a million fragments. It felt as though his heart had been torn apart, each shard cutting deep into his soul. The love they once shared, the promises they made to each other-they had all been reduced to dust.

To make matters worse, fate dealt them another cruel blow. Maria suffered a miscarriage, robbing them of the chance to hold their unborn child, to shower their love upon the precious life they had created together. The pain of this loss, the weight of the guilt that gnawed at John's conscience, were almost unbearable. He blamed himself for Maria's stress for the heartbreaking tragedy they had endured.

Now, lost in the currents of an aimless existence, John felt as though his life was moving forward without any true sense of purpose. His son's impending birthday loomed before him, a painful reminder of the tangled web he had weaved. Still, his mistress persisted in her attempts to reach out, her calls echoing unanswered, his voice mailbox serving as a silent testament to the choices that had led him astray.

In the depths of his remorse, John realized that time could never be turned back, that the consequences of his actions would forever haunt him. He yearned for redemption for a chance to rebuild what was broken. But as he faced the bleak reality of his life without Maria, he understood that some mistakes can never be undone, and some wounds can never fully heal.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

John trudged home from work, his footsteps heavy with the absence of his once vibrant household. The memory of his beautiful wife eagerly awaiting his return, greeting him with a warm smile and encouraging him to unwind with a soothing bath before dinner, lingered in his mind like a bittersweet melody.

Now, as he stepped through the threshold of their once lively abode, he was greeted by an eerie silence. The walls seemed to echo with the absence of her laughter, and the rooms were void of her gentle presence. There was no one to share the intricacies of his day, to listen to his dry jokes, or to offer comfort and solace after a long day's work.

In the depths of this desolate house, John realized the profound truth of the adage, "you don't know the worth of what you have until you have lost it." The woman who graced his life, his wife, was a rare diamond-an embodiment of grace, love, and beauty.

Her absence magnified the void within his heart, amplifying the regret that coursed through his veins. He had lost not only a loving partner but also a confidante, a best friend who had been his pillar of support through thick and thin.

Gone were the moments of shared laughter, the intimate conversations that wove the fabric of their lives together. The house, once filled with her warmth, now stood as a silent testament to what he had carelessly discarded.

Every precious memory of their life together resurfaced, filling his mind with a mix of nostalgia and longing. He yearned for her touch, her voice, and the way she effortlessly completed his world.

Oh, how he craved to see her radiant smile, to hear her infectious laughter fill the rooms, and to feel her comforting presence envelop him once more. But the cruel reality of his actions settled upon his shoulders, weighing him down with the immense loss he had brought upon himself.

In the quiet solitude of their home, John realized the irreplaceable value of the diamond he had carelessly let slip through his fingers. He vowed to cherish the memory of his beautiful wife, forever etching her image in his heart as a reminder of what he had lost and the lessons he had learned.

As he navigated the lonely corridors of their once-shared sanctuary, he knew that the road to redemption would be arduous. But the memory of his wife's love, her unwavering presence, and the beauty she radiated fueled his determination to become a better person, deserving of the rare gem he had let go.


Apologies for the short chapter. I was sick for three days, my strength is gradually returning, and the next chapter will be more interesting. Stay tuned for more!

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