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When I arrived at the reunion tonight, the last thing I had expected was to call Isabelle my girlfriend.

But I simply wasn't going to let Bella do this on her own, even if it means I'm helping her make Oliver jealous.

Whilst I don't know for sure that making her ex jealous was the reason for her wanting to bring a fake boyfriend, it seems like the most possible explanation. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions here, but I also want to respect Isabelle's space by not asking the reason why. After all, when I'd brought it up to her previously at Taylor's Rooftop Bar, she had dodged the question.

Kissing Isabelle hadn't been part of the plan for tonight either, but fuck, it had just happened. And when I felt the taste of her soft lips against mine, my cock hardening, it had taken every fucking inch and cell in my body to pull apart from the kiss.

Yet as I watch Isabelle chat away with a former classmate, Joshua, and his wife, I realize that no matter how tempting it had been, tonight would be the first and last time I'd ever kiss her. It's best that we keep things as simple as possible, which is the reason I lied and told her not to think too much about the kiss.

Even if it had felt real. So real.

"Dude, you owe me a hundred bucks."

I turn around upon hearing Aaron's voice and watch as he casually pops a grape into his mouth. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Remember in high school, I said that you'd kiss Isabelle one day," he recalls.

"I never agreed to that bet." My gaze shifts back to Isabelle, who's laughing at something Joshua's wife said, a rosy blush filling her cheeks.

She looks so fucking beautiful in that black dress tonight. So fucking—

"Come on Mr. CEO," Aaron presses. "Don't be so stingy."

"We'll talk later," I grumble. Without waiting for a reply, I make my way over to Isabelle and place a hand around the small of her back. She glances up at me and shoots me a tiny smile in return.

"Hey man," Joshua grins. "I was just saying to Isabelle that I always knew there was a spark between the two of you."

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Oliver walking past us with an irritated expression on his face. He's made sure to keep his distance from us so far, although I'm certain he heard what Joshua said just then.

But Oliver's feelings are the last thing I care about. Because tonight, Bella was my girlfriend, even if we were only pretending.

"Not just a spark, Josh," I say. "We're making entire fireworks." Adjusting my position, I wrap both my hands around Isabelle's waist from behind. The faintest and tiniest gasp escapes her mouth, but I hear it.

Josh rolls his eyes. "Jackson the lovesick teenager."

"Just making up for lost time," I tell him.

For the next half-hour, Bella and I continue to catch up with a few others, and everything goes smoothly.

At a little past eight-thirty p.m., however, Oliver makes a beeline toward us, his steps unstable and unsteady. His tie is now undone and his hair is tousled, a contrast to the neatly slicked hair he had been sporting earlier tonight.

At the sight of drunk Oliver, a sense of protectiveness instantly envelops my body.

"Hi," he slurs.

"Can I help you?" I say to him, an edge to my voice. Beside me, I can sense that Isabelle is tense and uncomfortable, and I have no intention of entertaining whatever shenanigans Oliver is about to pull off.

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