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Eight Years Later

"And now, without further ado, please join me in welcoming award-winning fashion designer, Isabelle Carter!"

A loud round of applause erupts from the audience and a proud smile rests on my face as I watch my wife—my beautiful, talented, and amazing wife—walk up to the stage and take her seat for her interview.

That's right—I get to call Isabelle my wife and every single day I wake up reminded of the fact that the woman I'm so deeply and madly in love with said yes to spending the rest of her life with me.

And every day, I get to kiss her good morning and good night, whisper in her ear all the things I plan to do to her, and most importantly, let her know how much I love her and how much she means to me.

Bella's gaze meets mine, a twinkle shining in her gorgeous brown eyes. From the front row of the audience, I mouth the words "I love you" to her and she mouths those words back.

"Hello Isabelle and welcome to The Michelle Anderson Show!" Michelle, host of tonight's show, beams. "It feels like only yesterday when I was interviewing you for Sparkes Magazine."

"That was such a fond memory of mine," Isabelle smiles. "Thank you for having me, Michelle. It's an honor to be here today."

"So...Designed by Isabelle started as an online business and today you have several boutiques across the country, you've made appearances at various fashion shows and you've also won several awards," Michelle begins, and I couldn't be more proud of my beautiful Bella. "Not to mention that you now have a full team working for you."

"It's definitely so surreal looking back at how far we've come," Isabelle gracefully replies. "I'm so grateful for the support of my whole team, as well as my family and friends."

"And actress Gracelyn Pearce was seen wearing one of your dresses for the premiere of her movie, The Game of Love," Michelle continues.

"Yes, we worked with Grace to design a custom dress for her to wear to her movie premiere," Isabelle elaborates. "It was such an amazing experience and Grace was lovely to work with. My husband and I got to attend her movie premiere last week too, which was so much fun."

"That's fantastic! Speaking of your husband, he's sitting in the audience today and I think it's worth pointing out that he's wearing a t-shirt that says 'come and support my wife's business'," Michelle remarks, causing some cheering to erupt in the audience. From the stage, the camera person shifts the camera towards where I'm seated in the audience, and I flash a small smile in response.

"It's actually a cute story but eight years ago when I hosted my first fashion show for my business, Jackson wore a shirt with the words 'come and support my girlfriend's business'," Bella recalls.

There's a dreamy expression on her face as she speaks, and I cast my mind back to that day.

I remember that day so well like it was just yesterday. Bella had achieved one of her biggest goals career-wise, and since then, she's continued to reach milestone after milestone. Her hard work, passion, and dedication are just some, among the many things I love about her, and she inspires me to be a better man, husband, and father every moment of the day.

"So now he's upgraded to the wife t-shirt," Michelle jokes.

"That's right," Bella smirks. "Now he gets the wife t-shirt and the wife package."

Around me, people in the audience let out a chuckle and I can't resist the dimpled smile that immediately spreads across my lips.

"I love that," Michelle laughs. "Okay, now let's talk about your latest collection..."

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