Opportunities Taken - Chapter 10

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The next morning Skye was sitting at the table going over her flight plan when Chase and Rhonda came walking in from their morning workout.

"Hey love," said Chase, as he walked over and kissed her.

"Morning babe," said Skye, "you ready for a long flight over water?"

"How long is it?" asked Rhonda.

"A little over 8 hours," said Skye.

"We should be in Hawaii by 6 this evening," said Skye. "I tried to call Everest. I guess they're out somewhere."

"I'm sure they're fine," said Chase.

"So what was the surprise you had Everest set up?" asked Skye.

"Nope, not until we get there," laughed Chase. "But nice try."

They gathered all of their things as a knock on the door came. Chase walked over and found an airman standing there along with Splash.

"Good morning," said Chase.

"Good morning sir," said the airman, "I'm here to take you and your things to the flight line. Your class cases have already been stowed."

"And I'm here to see Skye off," said Splash.

"Well, we're just about ready," said Chase. "Come on in, would you like some coffee and breakfast?"

"I'll just wait at the truck," said the airman.

"Nonsense," said Chase, "Come in and have a cup with us."

"Y-your sure you don't mind?" asked the airman.

"Of course not," said Chase, "I'm not one of those pompous ass officers that thinks he's better than everyone ranked below him. I started out as a private, I remember being treated like that and swore I never would. Come in."

"Thank you Sir," said the Airman. "My name is Dusty."

"Well Good Morning Airman Dusty," said Skye, "Come on in and sit down. I'll fix you a cup, breakfast will be ready soon. Splash, you want to come help me?"

"Sure," said Splash, "I'm not much of a cook."

"I don't need you to cook," laughed Skye, "we'll just talk before I have to leave."

After they had cleaned up everything and packed their things in the truck, they headed to the flight line. Skye's jet had been fueled and pulled into position. Skye got in and began her start up procedures. Soon they were off for Hawaii.


They landed in Hawaii and as Skye pulled to a stop she noted several pups standing nearby. She was sure she recognized them.

Sure enough, Everest, Marshall, Zuma and Rocky all stood waiting for them. Doug lowered the Passenger entry door. The pups ran over.

"Surprise!" yelled Everest.

As soon as Skye got the aircraft shut down she jumped up and ran out.

"I can't believe you all flew here to meet us," said Skye.

"Well Marshall and I planned to come and then Marshall told Zuma," laughed Everest.

"You're not all coming to Hawaii without me," laughed Zuma, stepping over and hugging Skye. "I finally get to surf North Shore."

"And I wasn't going to stay at Zuma's alone," said Rocky.

"So this was the surprise?" Skye asked Chase.

"Well part of it," laughed Everest. "The other part you just have to wait to see."

"Ok," said Skye.

"Now I'm curious," said Rhonda.

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