kunti's wish

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The war of Mahabharata was over. Yudhishthira had taken over the throne of Hastinapur. Everything was getting back to normal. One day that moment also came which none of the Pandavas wanted. Lord Krishna was returning to Dwarka. All the Pandavas were sad. Shri Krishna seemed to him to be a part of his body, he used to tremble at the very feeling of being separated from it. But Shri Krishna had to go.

No one wanted to let Shri Krishna go. God was also meeting all his loved ones one by one. Meeting everyone, Shri Krishna took leave of them by giving them some or the other gift. At last he met Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas and his aunt.

God said to Kunti that aunt you have not asked anything from me for yourself till date. Ask for something today. I want to give you something. Tears welled up in Kunti's eyes. He said while crying that O Shri Krishna, if you want to give something, then give me sorrow. I want a lot of sorrow. Shri Krishna was surprised.

Shri Krishna asked why did you do this aunt, why do you want sorrow. Kunti replied that when there is sorrow in life, then your memory is also there. You are remembered every moment. In happiness, I sometimes miss you. If you remember me, I will be able to worship and pray for you.

When Krishna was leaving for Dwaraka after Kurukshetra war, Arjuna could not avert his gaze from him till he became invisible. Krishna did the same. He also gazed at Arjun from his chariot the same way.

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