11: Due East

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The sandy soil shifted beneath my feet. Blades of grass tickled my ankles. Behind me sat the only home I ever knew while before me an adventure awaited. An adventure full of unknown wins and defeats. Yet despite the skeptical outcomes, I knew one thing was sure. The next time I stepped on this shore, I would be a different person for better or for worse.

Stars sparkled on the ocean waves. A stillness gripped the sea. I looked east at the long horizon. Somewhere beyond the edge of those waves a truth waited for me. A light from the boathouse flicked in my direction. I shielded my eyes as a quiet voice called out.

"Gale," whispered Zephyr, "is that you?"

"Yeah," I said. "The real me. I took care of the Cirrus cloud inside."

"You did?" Zephyr had an uncertain look about her. "How do I know it's the real you and not a Cirrus cloud in disguise?"

"Remember when you woke up and I caught you looking through my sketchbook?" I raised it in the air. "Had to get it back."

"Ah," nodded Zephyr, "it is you. So you really took care of the Cirrus cloud?"

"Yeah, it took the form of the Storm King and the Storm King spoke through them."

"The Storm King was here," said Mr. McCallow lifting his hat. Sweat dripped off his bald scalp.

"Only in spirit. He left me a message. Then he vanished."

"What did he want?" asked Zephyr.

"He was just trying to scare me, but I'm too stubborn for that."

"Well all that aside, we have everything ready." Mr. McCallow pointed to the boathouse's pier where a small sailboat was tied. "Just waiting on a captain and wind to guide it."

"All the provisions are in there." Zephyr floated to the pier. "But it's only enough for a few days. Not enough for us to sail all the way to Japan."

"We aren't sailing to Japan," I said. I stared out over the dark horizon. "Una told us to head due East and once we reach the middle of the Atlantic she will meet us there. We will find a short cut there, she says, though I'm not sure what she means by that."

"Well with my wind power it should only be a few days. We will be skipping across those waves."

"What about you, Mr. McCallow? How will you get back to the mainland?"

"Don't worry about me, sonny. There is an old dingy in there too. I'll row back."

"Then I guess this is where we part ways." I raised my hand towards Mr. McCallow. He grabbed my hand to shake but went instantly into a hug.

"Find your father, boy, and bring him back home. Whatever force is brewing out there, if ya have the power to stop it, don't give up."

"Thank you and tell Mama Meat, I'm thankful and I'll miss her."

"Lad, she already knows." He smiled. "Now get. Ya have a long journey ahead. And don't ya worry about the lighthouse. I'll watch over it for ya while yur gone."

I followed the pier to the boat. Carefully I stepped inside. Zephyr had organized our water and food, even making a comfy place for her and I to sit.

"Well, so it starts." I sat and looked up at Mr. McCallow standing on the pier. "Will you untie us?"

"Safe travels!" he cried. "And it was great meeting you, Zephyr. Take care of him, please."

Zephyr saluted.

"Thank you, Mr. McCallow! I will!"

Soon we were untied and set adrift. Zephyr came to sit next to me as I unfolded the sail.

"Now all we are missing is the wind." I smiled at Zephyr. "Care to do me the honors and blow me away?"

"Due East, here we come." She lifted a hand into the air. The boat began to rock as the sea around us began to swell. The wind picked up, caught the sail, and in an instant we trusted forward.

It felt like a roller coaster on water, compared to the strength and speed that Zephyr had placed in the sails. In only a few minutes we were far out to sea. I breathed a long sigh. The shoreline stretched further and further away until the last swirling light of my lighthouse home dipped below the horizon. 

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