12: Winds in Prison

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Damp walls, dripping ceilings, and dim light were all that surrounded Nathaniel Hutchins as he curled up in the Storm King's prison. His face bruised and jaw broken, he could barely speak or even keep his eyes open for the pain in his body consumed all his strength. Across the dark stone corridor to the prison cells beyond, sat two women. They had stopped pacing to observe the poor human that shared in their misery.

"He's grown up quite a bit," said the taller woman. She had long silver hair and eyes of coldest blue. Her gown covered in dirt and grime that once beheld a bright white hue fell delicately over her shoulders to her ankles beneath. "Nathaniel Hutchins, the lighthouse keeper, serving the rest of his curse with us."

Nate looked past his cell bars through the squint in his eyes. He could barely make out the figure, but he surely recognized the soft, soothing voice.

"Notia," he chuckled, "the South Wind. I'm sure you must be happy to see me in this state after all I've done to you and your sisters."

"Some of us hold grudges, but those of us who have moved beyond human emotion see only sympathy. You imprisoned my sisters and I because you were doing what was best for your family. In the end, you gave us freedom, an apology, and a promise. Those are the qualities of a man who takes accountability for his actions and seeks forgiveness. I've watched mankind for many ages, and very few are like you, Nathaniel. Honorable, indeed."

"You're just saying that," he said, gritting his teeth in pain as he sat up. "I deserve no honor in what has happened."

"For once I agree with him," said the other woman in the cell nearby. She stuck her head at the prison bars. She had short yellow hair and big green eyes. Her yellow dress also covered in grime barely showed the daffodils that grew from the base. "You deserve every bit of punishment after the crimes you committed towards nature."

"Eura," said Notia. "Be kind." She dropped down to her knees and stared into Nathaniel's eyes. "I've been watching you ever since you freed us. You made a beautiful life for yourself even though you knew the time for happiness would be short."

"I should have done what the Storm King wanted," said Nate. His lips trembled and tears flowed down to his bloodied hands. "I could have saved my son from ever having to deal with this. Instead, I passed on the curse. I should have ended it when I had the chance."

"You weren't the one," said Notia.

"What do you mean?"

"You raised a kind and loving boy. Smart too. He has everything you had and more. Trust me when I say, I believe he will end this. Not just for you, but for all of us. Where you couldn't find a way, he will."

Nate smiled.

"I love my boy, but I didn't prepare him like my father did. Now he has no mother and no father."

"No parent can prepare their children for what life brings." Notia clenched the metal bars. "You may not know, but my youngest sister is very much the same as your boy. When the Storm King attacked, I offered myself for capture so she could get away. I didn't prepare her, but I believed in her."

"Your sister," he muttered, "is she with my boy?"

"If the fates are kind, she is with him now. And whatever path they may choose, I believe they will choose right."

"I still can't believe you put that much faith in Zephyr," said Eura. She rolled her eyes. "She barely knows how to cast a gust let alone fight any storm clouds that were sent her way."

"You're still young, Eura," said Notia. "Give it a few centuries and you'll understand."

"There won't be centuries if we stay trapped in this prison." Eura kicked the wall of her cell. "These dumb walls suppress our power, otherwise you bet I would be giving the Storm King all my fury."

"Eura," said the soft words of Nate. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry!" She screamed. "You....you..." She looked over at Nate's cell ready to give him all the harshness she had held tight over the years. Yet, she stopped. He was fast asleep; his body worn out and broken. It was the photo he cupped in his hand that caused her to pause. "Notia," said Eura, trying to take a closer look by squeezing her face through the bars. "You see that photo. It's..."

"Yes," interrupted Notia. "This man has suffered more than we could ever imagine."

"I didn't know."

Notia reached out her arm through the cell. She raised her fingers causing a small breeze to form. With it she picked up the photo and placed it gently in his shirt pocket.

"Sleep well, Nathaniel Hutchins. Sleep well, my friend."

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