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*** Vaishnavi ***

I was running in a beautiful garden while Adi was playfully chasing me when suddenly Meihu came infront of me out of no where. I turned back hoping to run into Adi's arms but he was no where to be found.

"What are you even happy for?" Meihu asked, "He was about to hit you today."

"No, Meihu," I immediately defended, "He was just trying to prove a point."

"The point that he is capable of violence," Meihu completed and my smile immediately disappeared. 

"Today he did this," Meihu said raising her hand upwards. "Tomorrow he will do this," she said and was about to slap me.

"No don't," I screamed and woke up from my dream.

"Vaishu, what happened?" Adi who was working on something at his table asked concerned.

"Just a bad dream," I said and got down the bed to walk towards his table. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Me?" Adi signed, "One of the ministers came up with the proposal for the crown to take over the sales of agricultural produce. I remember this proposal was made during my father's time as well but got rejected and I am looking at the records to see the reason.""There are so many records to go through," he said pointing to the books infront of him.

"It was rejected because investigation proved that it would cause loss for farmer's with lesser land," I said as I remembered reading it. "You will find it in this record," I said and pulled out the relevant record from the pile of books infront of him, "Somewhere in the first few pages."

Adi admiringly looked at me and smiled.

"Show me the exact page too," he joked.

"I do not remember the page," I said, "But I can help...."

"No I will handle it," Adi said holding my hand, "You have done more than enough. It is getting late. Go sleep."

"Can you join me," I asked hesitantly, "I am a little scared and will feel safer if you are beside me."

"So you want me to ignore the royal work?" Adi asked seriously.

"No..what I mean is...."

"Joke," Adi immediately confessed, "It was a joke." 

"Oh," I said.

"Oh," Adi repeated with a smile as he stood up. "I wonder which God came with the chaotic idea to make my wife the most intelligent yet the most clueless women in the whole world," he playfully added.

"Perhaps the same God," I replied, "who came up with the chaotic idea to make my husband the most loving yet the most annoying man in the whole world."

Adi looked at me surprised and since I do not know what to make of it, I assumed the absolute worst.

"I..I did not mean to call you annoy-" 

Adi shut me up with a quick kiss. The impact pushed me back a little but he also had the courtesy and to place his hand between the wall and my head just in time so that I do not accidentally get hurt.

"How many times do I have to remind you, Vaishu?" he calmly scolded, "That your words are adorable and not offensive?"

"I do not enjoy being cautious either," I gently opossed, "But I am already doing a lot of things that are outside the norm. I just do not want to fly too high and get my wings chopped off."

Adi chuckled.

He found that funny?

"Silly Vaishu! Fairies are meant to fly high," he stated as a matter of fact taking me by surprise.

ENCHANTED- BY LOVE (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ