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*** Nanda ***


The never ending sounds our knocking swords has started to hurt my ears. It has been an hour since the battle began between me and the king. The lightening speed with which he is making the strikes has me constantly on my toes.

All the soldiers within and surrounding the practice grounds left out of pure fear leaving their general all alone to face the king's wrath. Something that happens all the time, but has gotten significantly less after his marriage....and now after a very long time, I have the honour again.

"Your highness," I said as I continued to defend his attacks, "I am afraid this is getting more...." I paused as I had to make a move once again, "...personal." "The queen made it clear that..." CLINK, "she does not" CLINK "want" CLINK, "your anger" CLINK, "to get diverted."

"This is no diverted anger, general," the king paused to make a statement.

 I tried to use this opportunity to get into attack mode but wasn't quick enough.

 "This is the anger I have on you," the king said as he pushed my sword back once again taking the attack stand. "For the cunning tactics you've been using to keep your sister and your lover safe," he continued. 

Those words distracted me for a second and the king almost killed me but I was quick enough to stop his sword. 

Sometimes I do wonder if it would result in an accidental death if I were somehow not strong enough to defend his deadly moves

"Retreat," I said outloud and we both pulled back our swords on the count of three.

"And the audacity to question why I am protecting them," I said as we both put back the swords in the sheath, "Imagine those poor women facing your wrath."

The king rolled his eyes but did not argue further. Meanwhile we heard a faint and hesitant knock on the door.

"Come in," the king ordered and one of the soldiers came in extremely scared.

"I asked you to get the crown. Where is it?" the king asked.

"Your highness...." the solider slightly hesitated before continuing, "I did visit the common chambers....but Miss. Sruthi stopped me outside...She requested you to....get the crown....yourself..."

My heart stopped beating the moment I heard that and the king's angry glare sent shivers down my spine and that is very concerning. Like my soldiers say, if the general gets scared, disaster is on its way.

"And the audacity to protect them," the king told me before storming out of the room. 

Despite desperately not wanting to, I did what I had to...ran as fast as I could through a different route, found Sruthi and pulled her aside before the king could see her.

*** Vaishnavi ***

I looked at myself in the mirror and then at the dressing table glancing at the the holy veil from the temple....the one Adi is supossed to put on me today....the one that would ensure we stay together forever.

Will Adi do that? Does he even remember? Will he come for me?

He hasn't seen me since yesterday so I doubt....

My thoughts were interrupted when the door to our chambers suddenly opened.


A ray of hope emerged in my heart. So he does remember....or so I thought until....

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