Chapter 25

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Devlin wanted to go to Lotty World. He didn't say it out loud, but Donald had noticed how his big brother's face had lit up when the commercial came onto TV. He also saw Devlin quickly hide his interest when he saw Donald watching him.

"Do you want to go to Lotty World?" Donald asked.

"No, I'm fine," Devlin declined. "I should actually start looking for work again. The bills won't pay themselves,"

"You should focus on continuing to rest and relax," Donald said. "I'll take care of the bills,"

"You're a kid," Devlin pointed out. "You've already taken care of yourself long enough while I was in a coma. Now that I'm back, I can resume my role as the responsible adult. Use your money for yourself,"

"You never once questioned how I earned money," Donald noted. 

"You joined a fight club, didn't you?" Devlin asked despite knowing the truth. "That was the only well paying job I managed to land in the past as a minor,"

"Yeah," Donald lied, not wanting to tell Devlin about the Union. "I get into lots of fights and earn money," It wasn't an exact lie per se. He did beat up people and got money from doing so, it just wasn't the entire truth.

'Just go along with the lie for now,' Devlin told himself. "The first rule of the fight club is we do not talk about the fight club. Also, I'm glad you aren't getting injured,"

"I'm just that good of a fighter," Donald smirked. "So I have more than enough money. Look at the brands I'm wearing. It's a Versabe jacket, Dev, and I'm wearing Chrome Spade rings too. Let me treat you for once,"

"It's not a necessity," Devlin refused.

Donald sighed. "You can...invite your boyfriend too. Then I'll make it a double date with me and Kingsley,"

"Deal!" Devlin wasted no hesitation accepting after Donald said he could invite Changhui.

"I'm not paying for Changhui's ticket though! He has to pay for his own!"

"Not a problem, little bro!"


Donald also invited Gray and Stephen to Lotty World, hoping that they'd intercept any romantic moments Changhui and Devlin might have during the outing. Apparently the two had recently added a third friend to their group: Bryce Oh.

Devlin nearly lunged at Bryce the moment he saw him in the parking lot. He wanted to beat Bryce up and yell at him to stay the fuck away from Gray and Stephen, but he somehow managed to hold himself back. He couldn't stop himself from glaring though.

"Did I do something wrong?" Bryce asked, noticing Devlin's glare. "You're glaring at me,"

"I'm not glaring at you," Devlin looked away. 'He hadn't betrayed Gray and Stephen yet, so I can't call him out on anything,' "Come on, let's ride some attractions and eat some food,"

The first ride was the Planet Express. Their seats spun 360 degrees as their cars moved along the tracks. It was quite the dizzying experience and Changhui had to help Devlin stand back up and walk out of the Planet Express area.

After riding that, they all went onto the Big Drop. Devlin was immediately regretting it once he was strapped in and the seats starting rising. "Why did I agree to this? I hate this. I hate myself. I regret everything. I never should've agreed to come here,"

"It'll be fine," Changhui reassured him and held his hand.

Devlin screamed as they started falling. He gripped Changhui's hands so tightly that he was worried that he might've possibly broken some bones. "FUCK! WHY!? WHY THE FUCK DID I AGREE TO THIS!? I HATE ALL OF YOU FOR CONVINCING ME TO DO THIS! LET ME OFF OF THIS FUCKING THING!" Although the ride was only for a couple seconds, it felt much longer to Devlin. He scrambled out of his seat once the ride managers unbuckled the safety bars.

"Are you alright, Dev?" Donald asked. "You screamed pretty loudly,"

"I'm fine," Devlin leaned against Changhui. "I didn't scream at all. You must've been hearing things,"

"I don't like drop towers," Gray was shaking a bit, but managed to keep a poker face.

They decided to take a break and grab some food before going on the next ride. Devlin shared a funnel cake, a caramel apple, and a large cup of lemonade with Changhui, not wanting to eat too much in case the next ride made him throw up.

He glanced over to Gray and Stephen, who were happily chatting with Bryce. 'Right now, they look like an actual friend group. They all look so happy. Bryce hasn't betrayed them yet. They have no reason to hate him,' He clenched a fist tightly. 'But the fact still remains that he wouldn't hesitate to betray Gray and Stephen in order to become popular due to his inferiority complex. I hate him. I don't trust him,' 

'I don't trust him but for now...' He quietly sighed. 'But for now...I won't do anything. Just for today, I'll pretend he's their actual friend. I don't want to spoil the mood of the trip,'

Once everyone had finished eating, drinking, and resting, they continued onto the next attraction. They were all going to drive the bumper cars. Devlin grinned as he chased Bryce around the arena. Changhui noticed Devlin's specific target and helped his boyfriend by blocking Bryce's path.

Once the time was up, the group headed to the next attraction which was a pendulum swing ride. Once again, Devlin immediately regretted his choices when he sat all the way at the end with Changhui. The pirate ship swung so high up and Devlin screamed while Changhui laughed and wrapped an arm around him.

Donald, who was on the other end of the pirate ship with Kingsley, glared daggers at Changhui and once again made a slicing neck threatening motion. Changhui just smirked smugly as he pulled Devlin closer.


"I think I hate amusement parks," Devlin said once he, Donald, and Kingsley returned to their apartment. "I'd be surprised if I even have any stomach acid left after how much I threw up,"

"You should drink some water and eat at least a little bit," Donald suggested.

"Yeah," Devlin trudged over to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of bread and a glass of water.

"Devlin," Kingsley inquired. "Do you dislike that Bryce Oh kid that was with Gray and Stephen?"

"I don't trust that little shit," Devlin growled. "He's the type to stick to the strong and stick to whoever gives him fame and power,"

"How could you tell?" Kingsley asked. "He showed no hostility,"

"Gut feeling," Devlin claimed. "And I always trust my guts,"

"What about Stephen?" Donald questioned. 

"Stephen's fine," Devlin answered. "He genuinely cares about Gray and loves him," He finished the last of his slice and chugged down the water. "I'm heading to bed. Goodnight,"

Word Count: 1113

Devlin hates Bryce. 

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