🦋Chapter 13🖤

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Song: Happiness over everything.
Artist(s): Jhene Aiko.


(Author's POV)

"Arman, could at least use your brain, this marriage isn't even up to a month and you've already cause this much trouble, what would I do if this get to the media?" Alhaji Abdullahi, his father scolded.

"Dad, is this what you came here for?" Arman asked his dad uninterested in the conversation.

"What do you mean by that?" His dad asked annoyed.

"You told me you had something important to discuss and mind you dad I was very busy but I had to pause everything thinking you're here to discuss a good business offer and now you're just talking about that pathetic girl" Arman said fustrated.

"Arman, her mother came to my office and caused a scene, thank goodness it wasn't much people around but imagine if it was a Monday that's how the whole world would get to know that the Prime minister of Abuja state son is assaulting a woman who is legally his wife",

"Arman do you have any idea what big trouble that would be?",

"And we're Muslims, do you want to spoil our religion in the eyes of non-muslims? And our culture, it's this what it says?, Is this what your mother taught you?, Is this how I raised you?" His dad scolded angrily.

"Dad, please chill, I already told mum to apologize on my behalf, with time all this will pass" Arman said with no regrets.

"Why will your mum apologize on your behalf?, Is she the one that assaulted your wife?, Do you have any sense at all?" His father yelled.

"Dad, with due respect leave my office immediately" Arman said in a cold tone glaring at his father.

"Mai ka che (what did you say?)" His father asked in disbelief, not as if he was surprised at Arman's behavior but surprised Arman would act like this in the crucial situation.

"I said you should leave my office, I'm busy and I don't want to talk about that pathetic girl" Arman said upset

"Arman, ka na da hankali kuwa, ni babba ka za ka ringa magana haka? (Arman do you have sense at all? I'm your father is this the way you speak to me?)" His father said angrily.

"Dad, please don't get the wrong impression, I'm busy and want to work, I don't have time to talk about things that aren't relevant to me" Arman responded looking at his dad who's glaring angrily at him.

"Zaka gama kazo ka sa me ni, shege (you'll finish and come and meet me,*******" his dad said upset and left the office.

Arman sighs and sit back on his chair rubbing his head fustrated, he didn't regret the way he spoke to his dad but if there's someone who could set everything right at this point then it's definitely his dad. He had no plans of Assar's parents denying her back into his house neither did he have plans on letting Umar have entry access to his home all in the name of 'checking up on my patient'.

He takes his phone and dails Aliyu's number asking for his presence.


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