Chapter 1: Mercs vs Students (Revised)

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Ozpin: Now then, with that being said. I suppose we should show you your new living space.

Engie: Please do, or I'm afraid Scout might cause another mess.

Scout: I said I was sorry!

Engie: Zip it city boy.

Scout: I-

Engie: One more pip and your doing cleaning duty.

Scout: Fine.

Glynda: Please follow us gentlemen.

Medic: Uh, excuse me.

Glynda: Yes, is there something wrong Mr...?

Medic: Medic, call me Medic. But can ve get our resupply locker?

Ozpin: Ah, yes. You should.

Medic: Wunderbar.

Glynda: Then follow us first, please.

Ozpin and Glynda led RED team back to the Amphitheater to see the resupply locker in the same spot.

Ozpin: Do you men have a way to get it?

Heavy: Da, Heavy has got this.

Heavy walked to the resupply locker before grabbing both sides picking it up.

Heavy: Eeeyaah!

Ozpin: Impressive strength there Mr.

Heavy: Heavy.

Ozpin: Yes, Mr. Heavy.

Spy: Now, can you show us the way?

Ozpin: Right, follow us.

Ozpin and Glynda walked through the academy leading to the building for the exchange students. What nobody noticed was the drunk Demoman walking in the opposite direction.

Demo: *Gibberish*

In the dorm rooms.

Engie: Mr. Ozpin, with all due respect but this dorm won't be big enough for us.

Ozpin: Yes, I know. You all will stay here for now until we are able to create a stable area for your group to live in.

Engie: Well, much obliged Mr.

Ozpin: Of course, no problem.

Sniper: Is there going to be any ankle biters here?

Ozpin: In this building, no.

Medic: Gut, Heavy, you can set it down.

Heavy the slammed the locker on the ground.

Soldier: Move out the way Sputnik! I need some ammo!

Soldier the moved Heavy out the way walking towards the locker touching it.

Soldier: ... What? That should've given me max ammo?

Engie: That's odd?

Glynda: What is?

Engie: You see, we don't necessarily follow the basic laws of nature, laws of psychics and such. 

Ozpin: How so? You said you all don't have an Aura.

Engie: The reasons will be a secret, but an example is that Scout can double jump.

Glynda: Double jump?

Scout: Watch right here beautiful!

The two professors looked at Scout jump up, then jump once more in the air.

Glynda: What the...

Ozpin: Fascinating.

Pyro then looked around noticing Demo was gone.

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