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Narrator POV

Charlie has to tutor the 'bad girl' of the school which she's not too happy about but at the end of the day she can say she helped someone, right?

Charlie POV

Wow. 10 whole minutes late how wonderful.

What did I expect from her? I mean she never shows up to anything.

I stood up and started to pack up my things annoyed at the fact that I even tried with her.

"Leaving already?" A voice from behind me asked making me jump as I turned around to see the one and only Ruby.

"You're 10 minutes late." I said plainly obviously annoyed as she chuckled smiling.

"Sorry I had things to do." She said throwing her stuff down and sitting in front of me I mentally sighed before sitting back down.

"Let's get started then." I said.

"First what are you having trouble with?" I asked her making her shrug.

"I'm having trouble with everything." She answered.

"Ok that's um... A lot to work on but I think we can get it done." I said confidently as I started pulling out all my books.

"We have to go through everything?" She asked.

"Yes if you wanna get better grades we do." I explained to her making her groan.

"Ok then." She said as we started to study every subject math, science, history, english, world geo. We studied it all.

Ruby's attention shifting practically every 5 minutes making me very annoyed as she ignored me.

Then finally I had enough as I reached my peak.

"You know what THATS IT!" I said making her snap to look at me confused.


"I'm done with this you have been ingnoring me for the past 20 minutes, not paying attention, looking in different directions, laying your head down, just all in all ignoring me and I'm sick of it." I explained angrily packing up my books.

"Find another tutor." I finished as I picked up my papers as she watched me before grabbing my hand lightly.

"I wasn't ingnoring you." She said making me scoff.

"Yes you were and you have been the entire time, don't lie." I said annoyed at her actions.

"I'm not lying I promise you I've been paying attention." She replied my hand still in her hand now rubbing it softly to try an calm me down.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she got up coming over to my side of the desk crouching in front of me.

"I'm trying to make you calm down because I don't want you mad at me." She said calmly.

"I'm not mad I'm annoyed that I've sat here and you haven't paid any mind to me while I'm trying to help you." I explained quietly as I calmed down.

"I'm sorry I kept on looking away from you I just.. have a hard time keeping eye contact with people, and I get distracted easily but I promise I was paying attention." She explained.

"So will you give me another chance?" She asked quietly as I sighed nodding.

"But if you do this again I will leave, understand?" I asked as she smiled nodding.

"Yes ma'am." She said playfully going back to her side of the table as we started once again.

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