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Narrator POV

Serena just got broken up with someone who she thought was the one just to find out they cheated, never loved her, so she called the only one she trusted, her best friend Quinn.

Serena POV


"Hey Serena, what's up?" She said happily on the other side of the phone as I tried to quiet down my crying which didn't really work as sounds came through.

"Serena? What's wrong? You ok?" She asked worried.

"I-I um... She um, cheated on me.." I cried quietly to her making her go quiet for a moment before talking again.

"I'm gonna kill her." She said her voice angry.

"No, p-please just c-come over p-please." I begged as I heard her running on the other side of the phone.

"I'm on my way." She said as I could hear her car start.

I hung up the phone finally letting my tears fall onto my pillow as I laid down the pain of remembering my now ex-girlfriend's betrayal.

Then within the second I heard the door open and close as I heard someone walking to my room, then the door opened to reveal Quinn.

"Oh Serena." She said her look saddened as she walked towards me.

She sat right by me as I sat up now looking at Quinn.

"Tell me what happened." She said quietly as I nodded and began to tell her about the horrible day.


I had just got off work at the time I ended up driving to my girlfriend's place to surprise her when I got there I opened the door, walking in to hear sounds coming from the bedroom, I walked towards the sounds until I reached the door, then I opened it to see her cheating on me.

I didn't know what to do I just stood there shocked, broken, betrayed until she saw me instantly getting up saying 'it's not what it looks like'.

"We're done." I said leaving her apartment and driving home not daring to cry until I came home.


"Oh Serena..."

"Am I really not that loveable? I did everything for her and still she..." I started to cry again just thinking about it.

"NO. No. Serena listen to me you are the most beautiful, kind, caring, most loving person their is this was NOT your fault." Quinn said grabbing my hands rubbing them.


"No. No buts, no nothing." She said as I grabbed her pulling her into a hug.

She was shocked at first but relaxed into it as she hugged me tight as I cried into her shoulder laying us down on the bed.

"I tried so hard." I cried as she hummed rubbing my back calmingly.

"She didn't deserve you rena, you hear me? She's not worth your beautiful love nor your tears." She said calmingly as I started to breath normally again.

I cuddled more into her as I felt my eye start to close.

"Get some sleep rena you need it, I'll be here when you wake up." She whispered to me quietly.

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise." She confirmed making me smile as I dove into a deep sleep cuddled by my best friend.

Soon both of us falling into a deep sleep.

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