56 ~ The Playful Conversation

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Aishwarya POV

"What do you mean? If this is your seeds, what the hell am I eating since a week?"

I asked with the pure frustration and he confusingly looked at me.


He asked lazily, panting and utterly confused.

"What do you mean by what?

I asked in a slow yet frustrated voice and he inhaled a sharp breath.

"You told me that that were your seeds?"

I asked signalling towards my belly and he lowered his gaze to my stomach before lifting them back and asking with the thinned brows.

"Which seeds?"

He asked.

"The jar with two kilograms of seeds,"

I said with slightly raised voice.

"Yes, that's my seeds too but the way you are my wife, Suryagarh is my home,"

I thinned my brows and stepped down from the bed.

"What the hell do you mean? I thought... I thought those were your seeds? And, you did not even tell me,"

I said with the slight anger and he closed his eyes for a moment.

"What not did I tell you?"

He asked.

"That those were not your seeds?"

I said.

He inhaled sharply and he lifted his brows to look at me.

"Those were my seeds Aishwarya. I grew them,"

He said and I bit on my lower lips.

"And, what about this liquid ones?"

I asked pointing towards his lower and he blushed a little.

"Those are my seeds in the meaning of exclusivity,"

I thinned my brows with confusion.

"What the hell is the difference? Hukum,"

He sucked on his lower lip and said in a slow voice.

"The difference is those seeds can be grown by anyone and its good for health and it was plant seeds. This seeds is for having babies,"

He said and I inhaled a deep breath and palmed my face with disbelief.

"You made me have plant seeds,"

I groaned in frustration and I heard him chuckle.

"And, you are laughing,"

I immediately looked at him.

His smile vanished a little and he shook his head.

"No, I am not laughing, baby,"

He said in a sweet and slow voice and I inhaled a deep breath.

I walked towards the table which had the plate of the last night and I grabbed an empty, clean bowl from there.

I walked towards him and forwarded the bowl.

"I want these seeds, Hukum,"

I said in a slow yet dedicated voice.

He bit on his lower lip and looked at me for a moment before saying in a slow voice.

"In this bowl?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, in this bowl and no more making fun of me,"

Aishwarya ~ The Prince's Brown BrideWhere stories live. Discover now