The Engagement Party

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The banquet was very fancy.

The banquet room was filled with people, all of the tundrians that had arrived and many Brivs that were deemed important enough to be invited. For now everyone was loitering around the dining hall with glasses of champagne, and Ella was hiding in a corner to rest from the constant congratulations and small talk.

"Are you nervous, dear fiancée?"

Kava appeared from behind a corner.. He was in his usual attire, but he looked worn out from the event. Even if rarely any Brivs initiated talks with tundrians, he was still in the center of attention. He came close to her, closer than customary, and put an arm around her waist. She leaned back into him, careful of their champagne glasses. He was soft around her.

Nobody could see them there, hidden outside behind a potted tree. She relaxed.

"Don't be so forward, Lord Hunter." She said teasingly. "We're not engaged just yet. Only at the end of the banquet, after the speeches when it's announced we'll be engaged. Provided we both agree."

"Should I be worried?" He murmured gently, and she laughed.

"I don't think there is anything that could make me say no. Unless there is some terrible secret you've been hiding all this time."

He was quiet, and she realized her jokes were not jokes in this contex. He had a secret. She had forgotten. She had also forgotten that she made him promise to tell her before the wedding. The event was still some time away, but he was clearly thinking about it.

"There is something I'd like to talk to you about." He said quietly. "There will be a break after eating but before the dances and official speeches. I would like to talk then."

"You can tell me now." Right before the engagement would be the worst time if she hadn't known, she could act in emotions and break it off. Thankfully she already knew. "What is it, Kava?"

He shook his head.

"I need more time, but I can't– "He breathed out. "After dinner."

"I will wait for you."

Kava nodded, and then put something in her hand.

"A gift. I promised I would give it to you when I finished."

She looked down. It was a wooden wolf. It was small but full of details. It was sitting, and the wood seemed like real fur in some places. She almost expected it to be fluffy, but it was just wood.

"It's beautiful." She gasped in delight. "I'll treasure it forever. I shall look it over when I'm alone."

"Of course. Have a pleasant evening."

He left, blending into the shadows. She sighed in delight. He would finally tell her about his sickness, and they would be engaged after the event. There had to be a disaster to stop this wedding, because there was nothing that could stop her from marrying Kava. He was strong and powerful, but also kind, oh so very kind, and understanding. He wanted to hear what she had to say, and he wanted her to be comfortable. Her heart sped up when he was near, a pleasant shiver running through her body. She was always happy to see him. If this wasn't love, she didn't know what was. She had always been afraid of a wedding out of duty, but she was lucky for it to be one of love at the same time. She wanted Kava, and she knew he wanted her too.

She couldn't wait for it to be official.

She was almost bouncing in place throughout the meal. Kava was more nervous, sitting opposite her and fidgeting with wolf skin, but they traded smiles whenever they could.

King Vasil had drank some, so he was jovial, happily chatting with nobles next to him. The wild king also was in a good mood, toasting with his people every few minutes. The divide was clear, one part of the ballroom wild and new, the other one stagnant and Brivish. Wild animals and humans.

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