The Other One

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Ella was standing before the throne, along with her servants. Kava was just a few meters away, also facing the throne. She didn't look her way, waiting for Vasil's decision. King Savi was by his side. They were both serious, facing their children and a council.

"We have reached the decision." King Savi announced. "The peace is still valid, and it will happen via marriage. Great Tundra is offended by the slight, but shall honour the rules. Princess Ella will marry my oldest unmarried son, Lo'ariz'em. He shall arrive within a week and a shortened courting will occur. Kave'le'aha is no longer part of the treaty, but she shall remain as the guest for the wedding. The wedding itself will happen after a week of courting goes by."

"I am unhappy with this arrangement." Kave'le'aha said calmly. "I went through time of courting and bonded with the princess and now you're pushing me away from this event."

"I am also unhappy." Savi said. "I understand your objections, this is against our customs, but this is the decision that has been made and you will honour it."

Ella expected rage again, but Kava put a hand on her heart, bowing her head.

"Do you wish to comment?" King Savi suddenly asked. Ella looked around before realising he was addressing her. King Vasil furrowed his brow slightly but didn't stop him.

"Ah?" She said, unsure what to say. No man has ever asked her opinion in public. "I enjoyed Kava's courting, but I understand the need to change the arrangement."

I wouldn't be opposed to marrying Kava, she wanted to say. I love her and I don't want your son, wanted to jump out of her mouth.

She said nothing more. She was a good daughter.

"Then it's decided." Vasil nodded. "The letter to the prince was sent yesterday evening with haste. He will arrive within days, and for now to quell any rumours you two are not to interact."

"It will be for the best." Savi explained. "For a few days you will stay separated to make sure nobody thinks you're a couple. Then you can resume meeting if you wish in a friendly manner."

Kava and Ella both nodded.

What they didn't know was that Ella didn't need to be herself to meet Kava.

Kava was waiting in the stables, just as Ella had expected. She was disguised as Rose. This was the only way she could meet with him.

"Does it bother you that I'm a woman?" Kava asked right away, avoiding her eyes.

"N- no."

"That doesn't sound very convincing." The huntress said with a sad smile.

"It's just... it changed everything. You can't marry the princess anymore."

"So it's already well known?"

Ella nodded. She knew the rumours reached around the whole city already.

"Would you believe me if I thought me being a woman was obvious?" Kava chuckled, causing Ella to do the same. "You know. My name is Kave'le'aha, and since it ends with a vowel it's a female name. Like Dive'rea. Or Viv'iv'ea. I wear a woman's armour. The princess should have recognized since hers was almost a complete copy of mine!" Kava looked down at herself and blushed. "I know I'm a bit— uh— flat, but the armour is constructed the same way, so she would have seen it was the same as hers. It comes together differently on the chest than men's because it needs to protect the torso differently. And my spear! My spear has a red ribbon tied near the blade. When courting, women present a red ribbon somewhere on them, while men present a purple one. If you're not feeling particularly gendered you can have green, or more than one— Anyway, I had red! So it was obvious."

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