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- Haniya -
I had stated recting ever dua I had known, praying I not getting kidnapped, and hopefully not killed.

I sat tight, quietly praying, watching th buildings we were passing. I saw the road we were going on, and the sign said we were going towards some mall. Why is there a shopping mall in the middle of nowhere.

After a few minutes, we entered an underground parking space. Outside my window, it was empty, but not a single car was there. 'Yep. This is it. I'm going to die now.' I thought silently praying over and over again.

The driver locked all the doors except his. "Sit tight Ma'am." He said, then proceeded to get out of the car with the keys and locked me in them.

I panicked, watching him walk away. The doors were all locked. I couldn't even open from the inside. I tried calling someone, anyone from my phone, but I couldn't get any signals. I wanted to cry, I didn't know what to do.

Just then, I saw a few masked people approaching the car from the left side. One of them walked towards the door. I slide towards the right side of the car, trying to get away as much as I can. He unlocked the door.

"Please, don't hurt me." I pleaded as he sat down in the car. "I wouldn't dream of hurting you, love." He replied.

I stilled at his voice. He removed his mask, still looking at me. "This isn't real. Is it?" I asked myself in shock, slowly touching his face. "How, how are you real? Is- is this a dream?" I asked, shocked.

"Very much real love." He repeated. "You didn't die? In the fire at your house?" I asked, still very much in disbelief.

"That's a long story for another time. But I believe my wife can't get married to anyone else." He smiled, looking at me.

I smiled, jumping onto him, being engulfed in a hug. "I would never." I replied. I still couldn't believe he was alive, whose arms around me, my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating.

"You still have a lot of explaining to do." I said, looking at him. "I promise, I'll tell you everything. But right now, time isn't right. Not a lot of people know I'm alive, and I want to keep it that way until my plan works." He said.

"And what do you want?" "To know who's also working with Ali, his family." He answered. "And what's the plan?" I asked. "You're going to marry him." I choked at his answer. "You're letting me marry him. You know I can't arrange him by Islam." I said.

"No, silly, you're going to pretend to still marry him, make him think you've accepted him. That way, we'll find out more about him." He explained. "But we have to act fast and smart, we have 2 months until your wedding." He said. I nodded.

Malik was getting ready to get out of the car. I felt upset seeing him part from me. "Don't worry, love, I'll always be near you now." He kissed my forehead and slipped out the car. I watched him walk to a corner, where I could see him watching the car.

The same driver from before came and sat in. As we drove off, I saw Malik again. My mind was still in disbelief, I had finally seen him in over six months. A part of me was upset. He had hurt his family.

For now, I just need to try and end all this Ali situation, and soon Mehr and Umar, and all of us, could live as happy family.

When we drove out of the abandoned looking streets, instantly my phone started buzzing. All my texts and missed calls were coming through. There was one thing that caught my eye.

Ali had called me 64 times. I was just thankful to see my parents hadn't called me. I put my phone back in my purse and laid back, and relaxed for the rest of the journey home.

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