when she loved me

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"everything was beautiful."



[name] grinned softly as she lifted a strawhat up to the man, gently placing it on the crown of his red hair.

shanks returned the smile and ruffled her hair as he placed his fishing rod back on its stand.

"thanks little cub."

"the hat is your treasure, right? you told me about it before!"

the redhead chuckled and nodded his head, propping his chin up with the palm of his hand.

"yeah, it was from a special person in my life. he gave it to me, so it's my treasure."

"he must be really cool for giving you a treasure!"

"haha, he is!"

laughed the redhead, amused by the look of amazement on the girl's face.

"what if i also give you a treasure of my own?"

[name] hesitantly asked, fiddling with something behind her.

"oh? then i'd also keep it safe and close to me."

"then please take this, shanks!"

the little girl held a necklace out to the man, surprising him.

instead of a charm, there was a key hanging from the silver necklace, a little bit rusted at the edges but nothing too drastic.

"what is it, [name]-chan?"

"a key! grampa said i've had this way before he found me!"

shanks held it tentatively in his hand, staring at it with a certain gleam in his eyes.


the girl called out to him when he went silent, poking his cheek which seemed to snap him out of his silent stupor.

"oh, sorry. i was just thinking."

"well? are you gonna take it?"

shanks didn't reply and instead, he hooked it back around her neck.

"do you not want it...?"

"i'm sorry little cub... but i can't possibly take something as precious as this from you."


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