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"MADAME!" The Butler said, barging into the room of the Regent Duchess, Tyren Joane Blanchefort- Del Montague. She was resting in her bed, leaning on the piled pillow on the headboard. She was getting stressed because of what happened earlier.

"Jeremiah! What's with your rude behaviour?!" The regent Duchess asked towards the running butler. He was frantic, his cheeks were red, while his eyes swelled. He has these glaring eyes, yet scared flashes in his eyes.

"What happened?" The Duchess couldn't help but ask the butler named Jeremiah as she observed how beaten his face was. Jeremiah cried, and kneeled in front of the Duchess as he began to bow.

"Please stop the Duke! He's beginning to interfere with the first lady's choices! The emerald room... The emerald room! He had reoccupied the room as the First Lady's room!" He exclaimed, panicking.

"WHAT?!" Tyren let out a yell, shocked about what she heard from the butler. But the emerald room shouldn't have been occupied! Only the main wives can have the room!

"JEREMIAH! YOU BETTER EXPLAIN!" She let out a frustrated growl, glaring at Jeremiah. She was in disbelief and disappointed, she was dissatisfied by the fact that the emerald room that she wanted to covet so much for her authority to spread was given that easily to a wench!

"I-I was called to the emerald room and I guess it was because of you. But when I arrived at the room, it was the first Lady residing comfortably! She even slapped me, Madame! Please bring justice to me!" The butler pleaded as if his life depends on it.

Tyren was silent. Everybody, including the maids inside the room that was serving Tyren, began to cower in fear. Her silence means she doesn't like it, the things that she laid out for the path of her daughter were instantly getting disrupted by that wench... That wench!


glass started to shatter, pillows started to fly, and everything was flying. Tyren felt so much anger that everything she touches, she throws them anywhere. She didn't care if her employees were hurt, she didn't care if they bleed or not, everything is because of that kid!

"What is the meaning of this?!" She shouted, her eyes filled with fury as she breathed heavily. Why is that man that she tried to seduce so much given the most prize possession that everyone wanted to covet?!

"Please quell your anger, Madame! Have mercy!" One of the stationed miss begged, kneeling in fear. They still haven't gotten used to her anger. Tyren swiftly looked at the begging maid.

"That's right Madame... Please quell your anger!" The butler also said, trying to calm down the raging woman. She had thrown so many valuables that are equivalent to a slave's worth.

"Damn it. Where is the Duke right now? I will talk to him." She said, sitting down on the edge of her bed as she sighed in anger, her relentless behaviour was affecting her mood very well and that's because of that damn girl trying to destroy all of her pavement!

"I believe he's in the office Madame. Please, let him rethink the decision he made! It will affect the dukedom if he keeps on doing this, favouring the daughter that killed the first–"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH JEREMIAH!" Tyren shouted towards the old man who suddenly flinched with her loud voice, echoing across the room. She never wanted someone to mention that name.

"I-I apologize Madame..." The butler cowardly apologized, not wanting to strike against her. Suddenly, someone barged into the room once again, crying as she ran towards the duchess and hugged her tightly.

"Mother!" Helena cried in Tyren's arms, hugging her. She was weeping on her mother while Tyren was confused and worried about her dear daughter, crying heavily towards her.

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