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The next thing Felicia knew was that it was already another day. She found herself lying in her bed, her clothes had changed and the sun still hadn't shown itself. She woke up early, did she eat yesterday? She couldn't remember.

The last thing she knew was that she was being carried by Alexander back to her room. She must've fallen asleep in his arms, the reason why she woke up inside her room, completely in another outfit.

Olivia must have changed her dress into a sleeping one. But that doesn't matter, she needs to train herself especially since today is her first meeting with her teacher in swordsmanship.

She couldn't help but feel the excitement rushing in her bed as she got up and immediately went to the bathroom to cleanse herself. After minutes had passed, she came out completely drenched went to her closet, and didn't bother to call Olivia.

This time, with the trousers that she got from now Viscountess Yulie, she wore a stirrup type of trouser, fit yet stretchable. She could actually run and do some stretches. She partnered it up with a loose long sleeve with its sleeves being flared and her chest tied with loose lace. The frails were around her wrist and just around the laces.

She also customized a pair of boots, considering that people here don't know shoes that are comfortable to run. It would be so weird seeing one here though.

The sun was still not up when she tied her hair into a ponytail. Some of her hair locks fell, yet it didn't look messy at all. She was looking regal and clean. Despite the simplicity of her outfit, upon checking herself, Rachelle smirked as what she saw in the mirror was more grandiose than Helena's.

That's right, she's so beautiful the Goddess must've done her wrong.

"Alright. I'm ready." She whispered to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror then went out of her room. She doesn't know what time it is today therefore she doesn't know if there would be some knights training there.

But whatever it is, she's determined to learn the arts of swordsmanship, especially since Helena has been gaining a lot of power. It would be troubling if she continues to act laid back knowing how it will end her position soon.

She walked through the halls, dark and empty. If not for the candlelight shining in every station then it would be so hard for her to see everything and she might find herself falling down the stairs.

The atmosphere of the room was cold, desolate, and dark. She could only rely on the burning candles as there were no servants running or walking around. Seems Like it was really too early for her to wake up.

She wasn't bothered with the things that just made this manor other than the coldness seeping through her decent outfit. Yet she still chose to walk her way towards the training ground.

After a seemingly long walk, she finally reached the training ground, panting quite heavily as it was a long walk, befitting for a good exercise early in the morning. She just stood there, watched the whole training ground empty and all for herself.

"This is even more creeper." She mentioned to herself as she looked above the sky, looking at the moon at its brightest, slowly fading into the night sky. This indicates that the morning will eventually arrive and she has to prepare her body.

She breathed in, calmed herself first and exhaled. "Alright, I can do this." She mentioned as she started to go first around the entire training ground. It was so big that even a lap was already a bit heavy for her who was so weak she was starting to feel her legs trembling.

But it won't stop her from learning things.

With determination overflowing inside her, she started to run around, her phase became even faster as sweat occupied her body, slowly warming herself with the heat emitting out of her as she continued to run around.

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