Season 2: Reawakened Recovery

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[Cut to Y/n, unconscious in the shared bedroom and covered in healing glyphs. Yonaka is placed near. Luz and King are by his side. Eda enters the room after talking to some Healing Coven members.]

Eda: Ok, the Healing Coven people said he'll be fine, He's just unconscious from the blood loss and injuries he's sustained.

Luz: What did he go through to get these injuries?

Eda: Wel... I believe the answers lie within this. [She pulls out the diary.]

Luz: This must be the book Y/n got from the library...

[Just then, a knock on the door occurs. Amity, Willow, Gus, Emira, and Edric pop up. Their heads are stacked atop one another as they peek through the door.]

Amity: Can we uh... check-in?

Luz: Sure.

[Everyone goes inside the room to check on Y/n.]

Edric: What happened to the guy?

King: We were about to find out in this book he had.

Amity: The diary?

Luz: You know about it?

Amity: I kind of helped him get it, but I didn't know what was it about.

Gus: Then how about we actually read it and stop stalling?

Eda: Yeah yeah yeah, I'm on it... huh? [She pulls out the poem from the Diary.]

[All of them read the poem and put two and two together, realizing Y/n went into a dangerous temple that held a trial.]

Willow: What kind of demons has he faced in there?

Eda: I don't know. For all I know, he did all of that for that sword right there [She points to Yonaka. All of them stare in awe.]

Edric: Woah! I wonder if I could... [He tries to touch it but a small black aura lashes out that scares Edric and makes him jump back.] Gah! Ok never mind. Looks like the sword is tied to Y/n, literally.

Emira: Shhh! You might wake him up.

Edric: You shush.

Amity: Quit it you two.

Eda: Alright, everyone out. Y/n will recover so don't get too worked up. You guys should go back home.

Gus: Are you sure?

Willow: We could help if you'd like.

Eda: We can manage to take care of him on our own, now go.

[Everyone leaves.]

Luz: [With a warm smile.] Eda... you're secretly relieved that Y/n is still alive, aren't you?

Eda: [She turns around and reveals that she was holding back tears.] Alright fine! Yes! I am! That boy made me scared half to death. [Sniffs.] But at least he is safe now.

Luz: Yeah, but I bet after he's recovered, he's gonna train again.

King: Don't worry, I always accompany him during his training. I'll look over him. That's a promise.

[Luz smiles and hugs King. The three of them decide to let Y/n rest for now. Cut to the next day, it's morning. Y/n finally wakes up after a good long sleep. He feels slightly better and is able to stand. Just as he was about to stand, Luz and King open the door.]

Luz: Y/n?

Y/n: Oh. Hey guys!

Luz and King: Y/n! [They run up and hug him tightly]

Y/n: Ack! Miss you guys too. How long was I out for?

King: For about a day.

Y/n: Dang. Uhm... look, I'm sorry if I made you guys worried.

Luz: That doesn't matter, All we care about is that you are ok now. [Hugs him tightly with King.]

Y/n: Hehe, alright. [Embraces the hug.]

King: How about we all go downstairs and eat some breakfast?

Y/n: Actually, I'd love to but... I got to take a shower.

Luz: [She breathes then gags.] Augh! You're right. You do need a shower, and make it a long one [Hands him a nearby towel, bandages, and some healing glyphs.] Make sure to change your bandages.

Y/n: [As he leaves.] I will.

[Y/n takes and enjoys a long shower to clean off some blood. He looks at his body and sees scars left by the scratch marks. He thinks it looks "cool". He also realizes he's gotten... leaner? Guess he didn't notice. Cut to Y/n entering the kitchen, he's only wearing shorts, a shirt, and a short-sleeved zip-up hoodie. His body is covered in bandages and healing glyphs. He sees Luz, Eda, and King.]

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