15. PET

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"Hey kid, how long have you been here?" Joe asked when I came down the stairs.

"Uh.. just got here." I laughed.

"Really? I didn't see your car outside.."

"I parked somewhere else. Just.. wanted to surprise T but he's getting ready."

"I didn't even hear the bell.." Joe wondered.

I decided to change the subject. "So, what's for breakfast?" I sat down at the island table.

"Oh, you think you can stay for breakfast now?"

"Yes, I do. I'm.. giving Timothy a ride to school so.. consider it payment. Gas."

Joe laughed. "Right, so that's how it works now. I see." He shook his head and went into the kitchen. "Pancakes or waffles?"


Joe began cooking and again I felt at peace. Everything about being here relaxed me. I thought of never leaving and it seemed too good to be true. An ultimate dream.

"How are things at home, pal?" Joe asked. He focused on the cooking. I was glad he couldn't see my face right now.

When he looked at me I had my mask perfectly in place. "Fine. Just normal."

"It's just you and your dad, right? Do you guys spend a lot of time together?"

The pattern on the floor suddenly became very interesting. "He works a lot."

"I see. Must be pretty hard not always having him around."

I wished that was the problem. I wished he wasn't always around. Drunk, yelling or sleeping. Just seeing him made me sad.

"It's okay." I answered.

Joe looked into my eyes. He didn't say anything for a long time. I couldn't hold his gaze for very long.

"Hey," Joe squeezed my arm. I looked into his genuine eyes. "You can always stop by, alright?"

He knew something was up. And more than just my dad working a lot. The fact that he cared enough to notice made me feel seen somehow. I nodded.


He slapped my arm and turned back to the stove.

T came into the room and looked surprised and then confused to see me.

"I'm giving you a ride to school." I said.


"You could at least pretend to happy about it."

"Thank you." Timothy said, sitting next to me.

"Morning, kid." Joe said.

I rested my arm on Timothy's chair. He side glanced at me before greeting his dad.

"I thought you were sneaking out." Timothy whispered when his dad continued cooking.

"He saw me. I had to make something up."

"Well, Charlie is giving me ride to school, so-"

"No, he's not. You can cancel him."

Timothy looked at me like I was crazy.

I leaned in a little closer. "Or I could tell your dad about your.. sexual adventures." I whispered.

Timothy began to blush. "When are you gonna let that go?"

"When you dump that freak. Text him." I demanded.

T grabbed his phone.

"What are you two whispering about?" Joe asked, putting two plates of food in front of us.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя