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Timothy was fighting back. He was being uncharacteristically driven lately. Every chance he got he begged his dad to go. He left notes with reasons why he should go to Australia everywhere. I must admit, I threw some of them out in hopes Joe wouldn't change his mind.

It made no difference. Joe had made up his mind anyway. Charlie was leaving and Timothy was staying. None of T's efforts paid off and three days later he said goodbye to his boyfriend.

Charlie looked heartbroken when he'd come to pick Timothy up. And for once he had nothing to say. He'd simply held his boyfriend's hand until they disappeared in the car and drove to the airport.

Joe drove right after them to support Timothy and take him back home after Charlie's departure.

Joe and Timothy just got home from the airport. I'd made muffins in an attempt to cheer Timothy up but he went straight upstairs without another word.

"How is he?" I asked Joe.

Joe almost looked just as sad as Charlie had. "When they were saying goodbye I began to doubt my decision. Timothy cried. I think it's the first time in years.." Joe sighed. "I just hope he doesn't take it too hard. He hasn't said a word since we got in the car.."

"Just give him some time."

Joe nodded.

I wanted to go check on Timothy but I figured I should just stay out of his way for now. He probably wanted to be alone.

The next day we had school again. Timothy came out of his room right on time.

"Morning." I said just to break the ice.

He looked a little surprised. "Morning." He mumbled before heading down the stairs.

We ate breakfast together. Joe had taken the morning off from work. It was very quiet. No one really knew what to say.

Timothy looked normal enough. Well, normal for him.

"Good luck today, kiddo. Call me if you need me." Joe reached for Timothy's head but he walked away before he had the chance to touch him. He went right outside.

"Will you look after him today?" Joe asked.

I nodded and followed after Timothy.

"So, you finally get to ride with me in a car that doesn't belong at a graveyard. Get used to it. I'm gonna be driving you for a looong time." I taunted.

I unlocked the door and Timothy sat in the passenger's seat.

I sat down behind the wheel. "Now, don't expect me to play your weird vampire howling. Just real music from now on."

I turned on the radio. Ironically, a My Chemical Romance song came on.

"Ah, shit." I looked beside me and T wasn't even smiling. He just stared ahead of him. Motionless.

I parked a block away as usual, though today I felt bad for it. I wanted to cheer him up but I couldn't risk being seen giving him a ride.

The hours went by slowly and I was anxious to get to English. I just wanted to see him. I wanted to see even the slightest smile. During lunch time I sat with my friends so I didn't see him then either.

When I came into the English classroom my friends were already throwing their usual insults at T. That, and pieces of gum and paper.

"Dude, stop. Teacher." I said, sitting down with them.


"I saw him. He's coming this way. Better stop now."

I looked at Timothy who just sighed. It was the closest thing to a sound I'd heard all day.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now