Chapter 43 Close Call

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Chapter 43

Close Call

Jason's POV

Running straight at the now speeding car I had no idea what the hell I was going to do to him while he was in the car but as long as he's charging towards me he's not gone. Men bumped my shoulder in their attempt to get out of Ben's way, the swarm of frantic men did nothing to my determination. I'm not going to let him get away with my woman.

Through the windshield I saw Ben leaning forward as if the impact would come quicker, beside him Gracie gripped his arm but he tossed her aside. A animal like sound from that back of my throat, the son of a bitch! Anger pumped through my veins like a river of fire when Gracie slowly rose her head.

There was barely five feet between us when Gracie did something unexpected tossing her small body over his she gripped the wheel causing the car to jerk forward as it changed directions the tires just barely missing my feet. Halting in place I watched as the car jerked again toward the half open gates never slowing down from there it all happened so fast yet it seemed as if I saw every movement.

The large SUV charged into the thick metal gates the front of the car bending like paper and jerking upwards as if someone were holding it. For a second the SUV was airborne but than as gravity did it's job the car tilted to it's right and tumbled on to it's side and than again on it's back. The car wobbled and jiggled like an overweight man's belly when he laughs as grey smoke rose from under the crumpled hood with shards of broke glass surrounding the wreck. Beneath me my legs wobbled at the ruined car in front of me and the possible outcome of the crash.

As quick as the thought crossed my mind I tossed it out when I spotted clear liquid dripping from the upside down car. Willing the stiff legs to move forward I could feel my heart rate doubling with every step I took. When I was close enough the smoke coming from the hood made it hard to see as it did make it hard to breath. Pulling my coat over my mouth I squatted down and crab walked towards the passenger side mentally praying she was okay. Reaching the dented door I spotted Gracie through the cracked window hanging upside down her red fiery hair sticking out in every direction, her pale features flawed with dark blood that ran down her face.

Yanking on the door I cursed out loud as the damn thing didn't budge, using both hands I tugged with all my strength yet it still didn't crack open. Giving up on the door I pulled off my coat and wrapped it around my fist just as Ben grunted. Unlike Gracie he wasn't held back by the seatbelt since he wasn't wearing one, instead he had his face first into an overly large airbag. Ignoring Ben as he stirred awake I pulled my arm back and slammed it into the window causing it to shatter to the ground beneath me.

"..hmmm." Gracie moaned as she rolled her head her face pinched with pain

"It's okay love I'll get you out." I assured her as her lashes slowly fluttered open

"Jason!" Jack shouted not dousing far

"What the- oh god it's going to blow get me out of here!" Ben demanded as he jerked in his seat

Ignoring him I tossed my coat on the floor I leaned into the car raising my torso in attempt to avoid the broken glass still attached to the door. Shoving my hands to the side of the seat I felt around for the button to free Gracie. My fingers brushed against the plush seats and over the soft fabric of Gracie's dress but not seatbelt. Where is it?

Crawling further in I heard Gracie release a moan as she turned to face me, her eyes glossy with tears nearly breaking my heart.

"Get me out of here!" Ben shouted once more as he squirmed in his seat while slamming his fists against his door

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