Chapter 24 Late Night Confessions

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Chapter 24

Late Night Confessions

Gracie's POV

Sarah's childish giggles filled the cool late winter air as she held onto Jason's hands as they slid around the rink. It turns out the rink was very large with a sizable crowd all families out for a good time.

The bushes kept both the rink and the sound away from everyone which I like. Jason rented two pairs of skates for Sarah and him. Since Sarah has never skated in her life Jason was holding her hands from behind her as she slid forward occasionally losing her balance. But Jason has let her fall.

I was sitting on a small bench at the far end of the rink watching my daughter laugh and have fun with a man that has no ties or obligation to do anything with her or me for that matter. Yet he's out there crouched in a uncomfortable position holding her as she tried gliding across the crisscrossed ice.

"You sure firecracker?" Jason asked as Sarah slid away from him only holding on to one hand

"Yes, let me go." Sarah beamed up at him

He returned the warm smile and ever so slowly slipped one finger away until Sarah was standing on her own. I stood watching as her tiny legs quaked when she slid one foot forward.

"Good job now move the other one." Jason encouraged noticing her frightened stance

Sarah nodded her red hat bobbling as she slid an inch forward nearly losing her footing.

"I'm scared." she cried her large eyes filling with tears

Unconsciously I began to walk to the rink not caring that I'd slip and fall as long as I calmed my little girl down. But before I could put one foot in the slippery ice Jason was at her side holding her hands again.

"That was great Sarah, better than my first time." he chuckled in attempt to cheer her up

"My legs were wiggly." Sarah replied sadly

"Because you aren't use to being on the ice, here let's keep trying together." Jason said, he nudged her with his knee earning a faint smile from her

"Okay but don't leave me." she warned

"Never." he agreed before they slid to the less crowded side of the rink

Cocking my head to the side I released a deep breath envious of my daughter's relationship with Jason. Why can he keep that calm attitude towards me? I would just love it if he wouldn't yell at me so much.

Sarah's little red hat was the only thing that helped me spot where they were through the crowds of people. Squeezing my middle section I shook my head as I turned on my heels-I need to stop this self pity act. Sure I had a bad experience but that shouldn't darken my outlook on life.

"Something wrong in paradise." a mocking voice sneered

My shoulders tensed as I paired the voice with a person. Looking up I saw the piercing beady eyes I thought I'd never see again.

"B-be-" I couldn't even say his name

He grinned a dark evil grin that sent a cold shiver to run down my spine. Shutting my gaped mouth I struggled to swallow, my throat was cotton dry. Standing in the flesh in front of me was Ben. He looked to his left briefly before returning his dark gaze to me.

"What did you actually think you got rid of me?" he chuckled mockingly

I looked around the rink surrounded with families-it brought a bit of relief to know we weren't alone but not too much. Taking a step back I tightened my arms around my torso feeling it knot in fear.

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