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Jeon Jungkook, the elite businessman of the town, was a posh money minded person, profits and estates being his bloodlife and drug of survival. The young tycoon was least bothered about harbouring any relationships because what he aimed at was being the top notch magnate of the corporate world.

When Lee Do Kyung, one of the seignor put forward the proposal of bounding personal ties with professional strings, Jungkook didn't flinch back from the offer and hence you got tied to him in a nuptial bond. Your MBA degrees slept in a far corner as you devoted yourself to nurture the holy bond with him, but his aloofness was what you were welcomed with.

Not that you were treated badly, but you weren't a bit treated at all. So was what you thought. Your father lost his life to a severe cardiac arrest just three months after your marriage when he somehow supported you emotionally, not through words or actions but through his presence and since then you started harbouring feelings for your husband.

You have crumpled your bedsheets, crying silently at nights when he forgot anniversaries and birthdays but then you realised that his work topped his priority list and you were almost invisible. That's when you played the docile wife role, changing yourself with him, so that he would be by your side. Alas!

Jungkook groaned inwardly when the staunch rays of sunlight flashed on his sleep stricken features early in the morning. "Close the curtains ya Y/n…" He grumbled in his sleep before his eyes jolted open in harsh realisation. You weren't here to provide him with any comfort which he got for two years now, unknown to his own senses.

Stepping out of the black Audi, you adjusted your shades before escalating inside the office building, where you have always wanted to work. The staff greeted their new MD with a bow and your new assistant directed you towards your cabin.

"Mr Kim. Though I have degrees, you have experience….so I am looking forward to working and learning with you." You mumbled like a professional, earning a smile and nod from the middle aged man.

"Arrange a meeting with all the business partners….we need to discuss the changes in the working process before proceeding with anything further." Your words ranged across the large cabin and hence your work life started. A new start for you with bittersweet memories.

Jungkook gaped at the entrance through which you entered inside the conference room. Being one of the business partners of the Lee Corporation, he was also present there to watch the charismatic glow that you flashed with every twinkle of your eyes and every curve of your lips.

His eyes were also stuck on the pencil skirt that you were wearing along with the blouse shirt and an overcoat, professionalism screaming from every part of your body. He has never seen you wearing anything like this because everything that you have worn before was all cozy and homely.

"Good noon everyone….sorry for arranging this meeting on short notice but it was important for my business delegates to know about the new changes in the policy and process of this business." You smiled confidently at them, making eye contact with everyone, even with Jungkook who was looking nothing less than surprised.

"As you all know, this business was till now externally handled by my husband under the supervision of Mr Kim Jaebong, after my father's demise, but now, I am ready to join it and take up the responsibility." You quipped, your tone ranging with a constant pitch. The people present applauded for the new managing director while Jungkook kept gawking at you.

"Y/n…" He wanted to smile when you stood in front of him, forwarding your hand for a handshake, just the way you did with others. "I hope we will do good business together Mr Jeon." You smiled but he didn't. You stating him by his surname felt so alien and so wrong to him. You crooked your brows seeing him lost and retracted your hand.

"Y/n…" He called you, eyeing the people who were leaving the conference room. "Yes Mr Jeon?" You raised your eyebrow at him. "How are you?" He asked in a daze making you crook your brows again. You left his house two days ago only. "Fine. Why do you ask?" You tilted your head and he was caught in a daze when the hair of your high ponytail fell on your right shoulder.

"Oh right….I have already talked to my lawyer, you will get the divorce papers by tomorrow morning. Though it's a mutual divorce, yet you have to attend the court with me for the legal procedures." You muttered the last few lines in an apologetic tone which he didn't like at all.

"Why are you behaving this way?" He couldn't help but ask. "Everything is fine between us, right?" He took a step forward while your brain sent an alarming signal to your heart because of which you stepped back. Almost immediately. "Nothing was ever wrong between us Mr Jeon. It was always business and till date it is. I hope it will be the same in the future as well."

You smiled at him one last time before leaving the conference room. He stood there, a little taken aback with the abrupt changes in you while you patted the material above your chest, calming your raged heartbeats.

"Everything is fine. It's just business." You mumbled to yourself. "Why is she behaving so differently? Why am I even bothering myself??" He groaned to himself at the same time. "I am just a little surprised. Yes. That's it. It's a normal reaction." He fed himself with made up assumptions and lies and proceeded with his day.

With slow steps, Jungkook entered inside his cold and lonely mansion, his figure dropping with tiredness and many flicks of sadness which he wasn't accepting. His habituated gaze travelled towards the dining table, but it was empty, without your presence.

He remembered how you used to wait till late night by the dining area for him while he used to be busy carrying out heaps of work in the office. He bit down his lower lip, his face failing miserably while the hollowness came shimming down his heart again.

"She is just a habit." He murmured to himself while irritating tears accumulated inside his eyes, blurring his site. "...just a hab- habit…" He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck before scooting towards his room which is stuffed with your memories, skipping dinner with loss of sudden appetite.

The next morning brought another sadness in his life when he was eyeing the divorce papers which he received through your lawyer, just the way you informed him the day before. His jaws clenched tightly while his fingers confined the official papers in his hand.

"Your madam is too desperate for the process I see." He hurled a glare at the black coated person who gave him a weird smile before forwarding him the pen. He saw your signature lying on the papers. "She is still a Jeon. Why did she sign as Lee Y/n then?" He seethed, himself not understanding his own inner turmoil.

You proposed the divorce thing Jungkook!!

"Sir, there." The lawyer chirped, siding the guy's words which apparently felt too bizarre to him. "She…" Jungkook licked his lower lip nervously and his fingers shivered a little while holding the pen closer to the paper. "Did she really sign it?" He looked up at the lawyer with a tearful gaze, hating himself for being this way.

The lawyer nodded at him and he looked away. "What did she say?" He asked again. "To make the procedures easy for you." The lawyer chirped in a mechanical voice with a weary smile while Jungkook furiously signed the papers. "Tell her to not worry about me!!" He growled all of a sudden.

".....Anymore!!" He completed his unspoken verse while his heart hurt like never before.


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