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A few days and Jungkook's life was already in a havoc without you. From the ticking of the clock to the clicking of the door knob of his room, from the gushing of the breeze which entered his room to the first dew which fell on the roses in his garden, from the clothes in his wardrobe to the products which you used to use and left behind, he missed your presence everywhere.

He had a room but he had no roommate, he had a bed but he had no bedmate. He had a mansion but not a home. There was no one to look at him with ardence in her eyes. There was no one to whom he would inform about his whereabouts. There was no one he would secretly look at early in the morning after waking up. There was no one waiting for him back at home now whenever he returned.

With unsure steps, Jungkook walked towards the court, his heartbeats raging with the outcome of this divorce. There won't be any Y/n in my life if this happens. His eyes betrayed him and stayed stuck to you when you entered the court right after him, your shades hiding your eyes from him.

"Good morning Mr Jeon." Jungkook inhaled sharply after hearing your formality coated tone. He looked away from you, not replying to you. You just shrugged it off and continued with the court procedures. Jungkook's indifferent and irrelevant answers to the court lead to the reconciliation step which left you a bit taken aback.

"Mr Jeon everything was not supposed to end this way. Why were you so unsure all along?" You snapped at him once after stepping out of the court. "I- I was j-just…" He stammered, looking everywhere but you. "These legal procedures will do nothing, just tire us up and we can't come to the court every now and then, right?" You folded your arms.

"Aren't you too eager to divorce me?" Jungkook threw a glare at you, confusing you in the process. "You wanted a divorce." "As if you didn't!!" His voice raised a bit as he replied to you instantly, looking deep into your eyes. "You didn't even deny it for once." His eyes softened a little as his voice faltered.

You looked at him for a moment, taking a few breaths to calm yourself down. This man is really testing my patience. You wanted to plant a tight slap on his face but then you also wanted to pull him into your embrace and hug out your own sorrows. His feelings were being crystal clear to you but was he too dumb or too ignorant to understand it yourself?

"Mr Jeon…" You quipped calmly. "If you are thinking that all this divorce chaos will hamper my business relationship with you, then don't worry. I would never want to break ties with the most eligible business delegate of this corporate world." Jungkook suddenly felt enraged with your words while you wanted to test his limits.

He took a step towards you before holding your arms and reducing the distance between you two. "It's not about business Y/n and PLEASE!!! For God's sake…..stop calling me Mr Jeon. Please!!" He felt like life imbibed on his system as soon as he touched you. I am being so pathetic but damn….this is what I want and yearn for.

"It's your name." "Surname!!!!" He sneered, his eyes going hazy while his heartbeats were rising again. "I am Jungkook. For you." You thanked your luck for having shades over your eyes or else the mirage of emotions would have flown by now in front of him.

You distanced yourself from him. "Sorry. We don't share that relationship anymore." You chirped with difficulty before turning around to leave. "You are still my wife Y/n!!" He walked behind you. "Don't worry. My lawyer will take care of it. We will be legally divorced within two to three months hopefully." You continued walking, not bothering to stop.

"Will you…." his lips went dry as he started to speak but you quickly went inside your car. He kept looking at the direction your car went. "Will you throw me out of your life Y/n?" His eyes filled up with tears while the clenching feeling in his heart housed there permanently.

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