nine; self destruction

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Reign has been missing for three weeks and we haven't heard a single word from her.

Everett is going out of his mind. He's not sleeping, eating, doing anything that isn't thinking about her or looking for her. I feel for him more than anything right now. He's broken to the core, knowing he pushed her away with words he didn't even mean.

He's got a lot to grovel for but I'm praying that she comes home soon. I worry about what she's got up to being away. I know she was homeless for years, fended for herself but this is different because this is her home now. And she ran away from it.

I haven't heard from Nate since the other day when he came over for a walk.

My hand raising to touch his haunts my mind. I'm so fucking stupid. I have no idea why I thought attempting to touch his bare hand would be appropriate. Now I think he's taking time away from me.

He wants slow and I have to accept slow.

I head downstairs to grab something to drink from the kitchen when I hear a loud crash from across the hall. My body flinches at the sound and I turn my attention to Everett's office. A low growl vibrates into the hall and then another loud bang like someone has thrown something severely heavy at the wall.

Before I think about doing anything else I head straight for his office and press my hand down onto the handle, stepping inside to find the whole room an absolute mess. Furniture ruined, paintings smashed and glass everywhere from his drinks cabinet.

Everett's shirt is ruffled and his hair a mess. He doesn't even notice me come in as he punches the wall, causing the brick to crack beneath his knuckles. I rush to his side and wrap my arms around him, using all my strength to restrain him from hurting himself or doing any more damage.

"Everett," I say loudly. "Stop. Stop this."

He wriggles against my grip but I keep a firm hold on him. Refusing to let this get out of hand, before he does something stupid. I can feel his arms tug at mine but I only clutch him tighter.

"Let me go!" He roars.

"No," I shout into his ear. "Stop this. You need to calm down before you destroy this whole house and everyone with it. Think about what you're doing, Everett. Think about it."

Everett's breathing becomes louder, like his wolf is seconds away from shifting and taking control of the situation instead. But I don't give up on him, I hold him tight and use my scent to mask him with comfort–family comfort.

"Breathe," I lower my tone when I can feel his irregular breathing thumping against my arms that are wrapped around his chest securely. "Breathe and calm the hell down. This isn't the answer."

And I know for a fact when Everett is at a sane level, he'll regret doing this. The one place that gives him peace and quiet–absolutely destroyed into nothing. I don't even want to imagine the pain he's going through right now to be able to do this to your own sacred spot but it must be like hell.

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