thirty-eight; stalker

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I'm in Leon's office with my father, discussing which path to take for the future of the pack. Leon wants to give up his title soon, after what happened amongst the pack and the district, he knows it's time to take a step back.

His health is still deteriorating as we speak and he should be taking time to focus on that, instead of managing this pack. Imogen certainly doesn't want to see her father burn himself out before his time is even up.

My dad has been oddly quiet these last few days and I'm not entirely sure why.

He's not said much regarding the concept of stepping up to become Alpha. He's ready to step away from his Beta role when Leon does the same. I've said from the start, I want Imogen by my side and if I do become Alpha, then it'll be entirely my decision to make. No one else's.

I want this pack to be run on equality. We all deserve a chance to be the best wolves we can, no matter our gender or our race or our backgrounds. It means nothing when it comes to standing up for our pack and protecting it with everything we have.

"So, Nate, what do you think about these?"

Leon hands me a bunch of papers, an old treaty that was once signed with a local pack in the district. It might seem old fashioned but it's needed, to keep the peace and make sure we're all happy within our territories.

As my eyes scan the page, Leon's office door swings open. He stares at the person behind me but his expression drops. "Imogen, everything okay?"

I glance over my shoulder and she blinks once, shaking her head. "There is a lone wolf that is walking around our perimeter. The wolves on duty thought he went away but he's come back. Not even in his wolf form but his human form, we're unsure what he wants."

When I stand from the chair, I place the papers back down onto Leon's desk. "Have our pack approached him?"

Imogen shakes her head and I feel my eyes narrow. "Let me," I say as I exit the room swiftly. "I'll take Elin and Zade."

"I'm coming too," she says, hurrying to my side.

I give her a nod and call for Elin and Zade to meet me in the kitchen, wherever they are. Viola pokes her head around the door hesitantly as I talk through tactics with Imogen, her hands are knitted together, eyes sad as she approaches.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She grips her fingers, tugging at the hem of her cardigan. "I-I know who it is."

My brows push together quickly. "Who, who is?"

"The wolf that approaches the house. This is his third time coming." Viola's voice begins to shake and I walk straight towards her, clutching her shoulders gently.

I flick my eyes between her frightened brown ones. She doesn't need to say anymore because I know exactly who she is talking about. Her mate. Of course she'd know that he was near, her mate bond is probably crying out for her to go and see him.

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