Important Announcement

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I am currently grappling with the decision of whether or not to continue with this book.

It's a choice that I've been mulling over for some time now, and I'm even considering the possibility of completely abandoning the project and not moving forward with it.

I realize that some people might be perplexed by my thought process, so I kindly request that you take a moment to hear me out.

The main catalyst for this uncertainty stems from the barrage of negative feedback I've been receiving.

The comments have been harsh, labeling the book as "unrealistic" and "cringe."

Dealing with these critiques on a repetitive basis has taken a significant toll on me, to the point where I simply no longer wish to endure such negativity.

Furthermore, I'm already grappling with a sense of depression and immense stress, primarily due to the impending start of the new school year.

In the midst of all this, I find myself increasingly averse to the act of writing.

It's disheartening to realize that what was once a passionate pursuit has now transformed into something I'm actively seeking to remove from my life.

One particularly distressing aspect is the constant demand to revise specific chapters based on critical comments.

Pouring copious amounts of time and effort into crafting these chapters, only to have to repeatedly rework them to satisfy certain expectations, has left me feeling utterly drained and discouraged.

In fact, it has even brought me to a point where I've contemplated drastic actions.

With all this in mind, I implore you to consider my perspective and extend some empathy.

As an amateur author navigating through these challenges, I'm in dire need of some breathing room and a respite from the mounting pressure.

In addition, I've reached a point where I don't even desire for anyone to take on the responsibility of adopting this book.

My rationale behind this decision is rooted in my reluctance to subject another individual to the errors and shortcomings that I, myself, have inadvertently woven into the notes of this book from its inception.

The notion of passing on this burden to someone else weighs heavily on my conscience.

These mistakes, which have become all too apparent as I've progressed through the writing process, have contributed to my growing disillusionment with the project.

I am acutely aware of the flaws and imperfections that mar the narrative, and I can't help but feel a sense of responsibility for not having been able to uphold the standards I had initially set for myself.

This sentiment is underscored by a profound sense of attachment to the book.

While I grapple with the idea of discontinuing the project, I also wrestle with the idea of entrusting it to someone else, fearing that they, too, would encounter the same challenges and hatred that I am facing now.

In essence, my decision not to seek another person to adopt this book arises from a combination of self-awareness, responsibility, and a desire to shield others from the frustrations that have come to define this endeavor for me.

It is a reflection of my commitment to ensure that the mistakes that have accumulated within these pages do not propagate further, sparing others the struggles I have endured.

Your understanding and support during this tumultuous period would mean the world to me on such a low end of my life.

I just want peace with all of you.

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