OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)

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"The continent of Falmart, a luscious continent filled with life, salvation, and dignity."

"The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the children are playing in the village square."

'What a beautiful time to be alive!' A bunny girl shouted happily, as she opened her window in a bright and sunny day and raised her arms in joy.

Suddenly, another bunny girl approached her in the side.

'Hey, were being invaded by the Imperial Saderan Army, also you're mother was just eaten by a wyvern, and all your family members and you included are gonna be sold into to slavery.' The other bunny girl explained, rather calmly about the situation.

'What an absolute awful time to be alive!' the bunny girl shouted in the air and raising her arms once again, as Imperial troops and wyverns attack the bunny village in the background.

OverSimplified: American-Saderan War

"The Empire of Sadera, basically the Roman Empire at its peak, but on packs of steroids and the size of the entire Mongol Empire, a 600 year old Empire, and the continental rulers of the all of Falmart, but there is one thing you gotta understand about Sadera, they were comedically evil."

"Unequal treatment of certain ethnic groups, unpleasant workplaces for the peasants, strong and strict military conscription, and harsh amounts treatment for anyone that spoke up against them or the Senate and Emperor, it might even make Joseph Stalin blush like a sack of red hot peppers."

"But, despite being the top dogs in the entire continent, they realized something."

Cut to the Imperial Senate in the Capital.

'Uhhh you're highness.' A senator said to the Emperor.

'Yeah, what is it?' The Emperor asked.

'Well, we just just kinda figured out something, since we basically conquered this entire continent, we have no more things to conquer.' The senator explained.

'So?' The Emperor asked.

'That means we won't have anymore slaves!' the senator said, causing the other senators to gasp.

'No more slaves?! Then how can we do things that we are to lazy to even do?! How can we aquire more slaves?!' The Emperor demanded.

'Haaang on, I have an idea.' The blonde and tall Prince said.

'Why don't we take advantage of the phenomenon aka the GATE!' The Prince proposed, making the other senators gasp even more.

'Use the Gate to aquire more slaves?! That's impossible, due to the fact that it closes within a short time after in opens!' A senator protested.

'No worries, we can gather our magicians in the city of Bellnahgo and make it permanently stay here in this continent, better yet, we can make it indestructible!' The Prince said, making more gasps among the senators.

'But how about what foes we might face in the other side? They might be as powerful than us!' A senator protested against such an idea.

'Stronger than us? HAHAHAHA! no one is as strong, as mighty, as glorious as our Empire!' The Prince shouted, making the senators cheer.

"And so, with a seemingly unlimited slave and resources glitch they found in their own continent, they went to work!"

"Gathering their greatest mages in the continent, and taking advantage of an interdimensional portal know as, the GATE."

"The GATE, is an interdimensional portal that leads to another strange new world, with a high likely chance of appearing somewhere the Empire does not understand nor comprehend, however, the Empire simply does not know on what kind of other world would it lead to, but as overconfident Imperials, they didn't care!"


(A/N: Just a slight teaser on my script, until then do see yall in the next chapter.)

GATE: Awakening The Sleeping Giant (V1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora