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As we arrived at the Ice rink, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. The sound of skates slicing through the ice, the cheers from the crowd, and the occasional thud of bodies colliding filled the air. I scanned the stands, searching for a familiar face, hoping to find someone to distract me from my growing annoyance.

But as luck would have it, I couldn't find anyone I knew. It seemed like everyone was engrossed in the game, cheering on their favorite players. Meanwhile, Ella was firmly planted in her seat, her eyes fixed on the ice, her voice joining the chorus of supportive shouts.

I tried to focus on the game, to immerse myself in the action, but my attention kept drifting back to Ella and Alex. Their affectionate gestures were impossible to ignore. It felt like they were in their own world, completely disconnected from the hockey match and everyone else around them.

As Alex mouthed "I love you" to Ella and winked, the coach shouted, "Move it, Alex! Don't lose focus!"

A pang of loneliness washed over me, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. I wished I had someone by my side, someone who would hold my hand and whisper words of encouragement. But instead, I was stuck in this sea of hockey enthusiasts, surrounded by couples and hockey enthusiasts.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that tonight was about supporting Ella and Alex. I pushed aside my own insecurities and focused on being a good friend, clapping and cheering whenever Alex made a great play. I was determined to be there for Ella, even if it meant enduring the giggling and air kisses whenever he skated past that put me off.

As the match came to an end and the crowd erupted in applause, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The distraction of the game had momentarily diverted my attention from my own longing for companionship and worrying over my unfinished song. And as Ella and I made our way out of the rink, I silently hoped that someday, I would find my own happiness, just like she had found hers with Alex.

The game ended with Alex's team taking the victory.

Ella exclaimed, "How amazing was that!" She squealed with excitement, sharing her joy with me.

"Yeah, soooo much fun," I sarcastically replied back to her, playfully matching her tone.

"Sophia, I know you're being sarcastic," Ella says, rolling her eyes. She hugs me tightly and adds, "But I don't care, at least you're here with me."

I reply with "You're right, I was out of my dorm. A break is exactly what I needed."

As we were leaving, Brad's girlfriend Tiffany came up to Ella and me. She asked if we wanted to join them and the guys for celebration drinks. To be fair, Tiffany was really nice compared to the other players girlfriends. Especially compared to Jake's ex, who still clings onto hope that he'll come crawling back to her. Ella and Alex told me that she was the one who cheated on him while he was going through something, which I'm not really sure about what happened. But hey, it's none of my business!

I reply back with, "I'm good, thanks though. Ella go and have fun with the rest, I think this was enough for me. I need to head back and figure out how I'm going to start my song off.

Ella looks at me with a guilt look and says, "Are you sure?" I nod and reply, "Yes, go have fun and celebrate your boyfriend's victory!"

It's a bit challenging for me when it comes to  drinking. Even though she already knows that I don't drink, she still tries to convince me to let loose. But there's a deeper reason behind my decision not to drink, and it all goes back to a tragic event that happened right before my high school graduation.

You see, my mother, who was just as talented a musician as I am, was on her way to attend my graduation when she was unexpectedly killed by a drunk driver. It was devastating for our family. Music runs in our veins, you know? My dad was a lead vocalist and guitarist in a popular rock band back in the 80s, and my mom was a pianist and singer. They actually met here, which I find incredibly cute.

When it comes to music, I take after my dad with the guitar, but my ability for songwriting definitely comes from my mom. I have a younger sister who plays the piano, and my 14-year-old brother is following in our dad's footsteps by playing the drums. He's even in an indie rock band with his classmates. He really wants to make a career out of music, just like our dad.

The day of my graduation was both joyous and heartbreaking. My mom had just received amazing news about going on a tour with the orchestra to play for Broadway musicals and theaters. But then, tragedy struck. A drunk driver took her life instantly. It was a devastating blow for me, especially because I received the news right before I received my diploma. To make matters worse, the driver was not only drunk but also under the influence of drugs. It really reinforced my aversion to substance use.

In order to honor my mother's dream of playing music, I made a promise to my dad that I would continue pursuing music. That's why I prioritise my classes and work hard to stay on top of them. It's my way of keeping her spirit alive and making sure her dream lives on through me.

We both went our separate ways. I head back to the dorm to work on my song for the upcoming exam, while she joins the players girlfriends which I like to call WAGS who are like footballers girlfriends & wives. who are waiting for them to shower and get dressed. They're planning to go out for celebration drinks at the pub and do a pub crawl, hitting different clubs and pubs all night. It's the last match, so they can really let loose this weekend!

Anywho, You see, the hockey team's apartment next door is like a luxurious haven. It's fully funded, so all the players, including Alex, Logan, Brad, Luke, Garett, and Jake, live there. Meanwhile, we're stuck in these cramped dorms, paying for them out of our own pockets. It's not exactly fair, but I guess if your parent is the head of the university and your mother is on the education board, perks are bound to come your way. Each to their own, I suppose. So Alex's best friend Jake Anderson who's the team captain, is the lucky one with all these perks!

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