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As I'm forcibly shown the door, frustration and embarrassment consume me, The rush of anger simmers beneath the surface, my ego bruised by the rejection. A swift exit becomes my only escape from the situation, and I can't help but feel a mix of resentment and a desire for retribution.

My gaze falls upon Sophia's songbook, carelessly left on the table. As an opportunity presents itself, I surreptitiously slip it into my bag when Jake's attention is momentarily diverted when he opens the door. A wicked thought crosses my mind as I murmur, "Ha, she'll regret that she's messed with me and my man." Swiftly, I tear a few pages out, envisioning a way to strike back and cause some distress.

Back in my dorm room, I'm greeted by Tiffany, who has been my informant all along. She eagerly shares the latest updates on Sophia and Jake, revealing their growing connection and the progress they've made in their studies together. Grinning deviously, I show Tiffany the torn pages from Sophia's songbook, confident in my plan to stir up trouble and assert my dominance.

In my dorm room, I sit on the edge of my bed, my heart still racing from the encounter with Jake. Anger fuels my thoughts, and I glance at the torn pages from Sophia's songbook that I'd brought with me. As I rip a few more pages, a twisted satisfaction washes over me. It's a small act of revenge, a way to assert my presence and remind Sophia that I won't be dismissed so easily.

"Thanks for keeping me in the loop," I say to Tiffany with a sly smile. "Looks like it's time to shake things up a bit." As I head to my desk, I start concocting a plan, fueled by a desire to cause chaos and make them both regret underestimating me.

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