Ch 28

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This proved my point. 

This completely proved my point. 

All you need is creativity and so many doors open for you. Does no one think of this stuff! 

Seriously, well hopefully I won't have to use this barrier. It didn't take that long to make. But barriers were already powerful, so I just enhanced it. With my own little twist of course. It only took me a few weeks to make it. 

A few of the longest weeks of my life. These few weeks have been so lonely. 

I haven't seen Itachi this whole time. 

Everytime I go to his house, he's gone. I know I was rude, honestly I was just disrespectful. 

But I want to apologize to him. I want to say sorry. But he's actively avoiding me.

 I sighed, this is just great. 

I spent a lot of time with Naruto these weeks, he's just such a sweetheart. A sweet kid who I would definitely kill for. 

Sasuke is sweet as well, but he's been spending a lot of time by himself. So I brought him along to hang out with Naruto and I. They are still brats but they both don't fight the moment they see each other anymore. 

I chuckled as I walked home, I had just dropped off Sasuke and was hungry. 

After going to a few of the Uchiha meetings, many of them don't disrespect or glare at me anymore. 

So that's good. 

Plus, this one popular place has many Shinobi visitors. And they like to talk. A lot. I can hear all the gossip because I just sat down for 5 minutes there. 

So ya, I'm here listening. 

It's been pretty mediocre for the most part today, so I'm just enjoying the food. 

"Did you hear what happened?" 

Oh? What's this? This sounds promising. 

"You mean about Shisui?" 

Huh? What about Shisui? 

"Ya, I hear they found his body in the Naka river." 

Damn it. 

He's already dead? 


It's soon then. 

I quickly paid and got up, he's probably so upset right now. 

I was walking to Itach's house wondering if he was ok, I just heard about Shisui's death. Is he okay, is he all alone with his thoughts, that's not good. I'm concerned for his mental health. 

"Wait there he is,'' I muttered when I saw him. 

"ITACH-" I started to yell before I was cut off, three Uchiha shinobi were thrown on the ground. 

"What the hell" I exclaimed as I ran to them. 

"Like I said before, appearances and preconceptions aren't going to tell you anything." Itachi snapped. 

"For instance, you've made the mistake of assuming I'm a patient man." 

Itachi sent a nasty glare their way. 

"The clan. The clan, you overestimate your abilities with no idea of the depth of my own! And look at you now, grovelling in the dirt!" Itachi said angrily. 

'On shit. This part, ya, I'm not getting in his way' I thought

"Shisui was told to keep an eye on you" the guy on the ground said "within half a year of your entrance into the Anbu, your actions and speech are getting stranger than ever... what exactly are you thinking?!" he finished. 

"Obsessed with the organization, obsessed with the clan, obsessed with our lineage. A worthless compulsion that enslaves us... All it's done is limit our compatibility. And that in turn leads us to fear which you don't understand!" Itachi snarled. 

"Stop it Itachi" Fugaku loudly said, suddenly appearing. Wow he came suddenly. I was impressed. 

"Stop it already. What in the world is wrong" he said. "Itachi, you've been acting strange lately". 

"Nothing's strange," Itachi sassed, "I'm just carrying out my duty." 

"Then... Why did you not came last night?" Fugaku questioned. 

This was getting intense. I knew I was going to be here for a minute so I leaned my back against the wall. 

"...In order to reach the height..." Itachi said, "the what?" Fugaku questioned. 

Itachi abruptly took out a kuni, shocking everyone. He then flung it towards me, hitting the Uchiha symbol on the wall about a foot from my head. 

I didn't flinch at all.

I looked at him unimpressed while he looked at me with anger in his eyes. 

He looked down and continued what he was saying. 

"I've had enough of this..." he started "...There's no hope left for this pathetic clan" he provoked. 

"Damn" I whispered, Itachi glanced at me before looking at his father again. 

'Shit he heard me'. 

"The people of this clan are all the same..." he sneered. 

"You focus on the trivial and lose sight of what's most important, change is impossible in this fog of ignorance. How can we evolve when regulation is the only thing we've ever known!?" he finished. 

"Such arrogance," Fugaku shouted, "enough already! If you continue this nonsense, we will have to take you to jail". 

"So what" Itachi taunted. 

"We can't put up with you anymore! Captain... Please order an arrest!!" Random Uchiha asked. 

Just before anything happened we heard. 

"STOP! BROTHER!" Sasuke screamed, Itachi flinched and everything went silent. 

Then BAM! 

That was the sound of Itachi falling on his knees. In the silence, the sound was completely deafening. 

Itachi then bowed, shocking everyone, "it is not me who has killed Shisui... but for the words I have spoken I am deeply sorry" Itachi apologized. 

He looks sad and regretful, I think Fugaku realized that as well, he then sighs. 

"Lately... he has been busy with missions from the Anbu and has been worn out". 

"CAPTAIN" a guy hollered. 

"The Anbu is a battalion under Hokage's direct authority... even us police forces cannot arrest them without an official order. Besides, I will look over my son with full responsibility." Fugaku explained. 


"Understood sir" the guy said. 

Fugaku started to go through the door to their house "Itachi let's go back inside", knowing I will not get to talk with him I turned around and started walking home. 

I felt Itachi's eye on me so I turned slightly to see him, he had the Mangekyou Sharingan. 

I looked surprised then neutral, he knew I saw it. 

His eyes showed anger, and mine pity. I looked away first and went home. 

Things just got very serious.

A/n We are so close! Let's see how things will go. Enjoy~

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