Ch 73

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She took out a kunai, pointing it to my neck, "now I need answers." 

Tsunade looked me up and down with an ominous stare, "explain yourself. Now." 

I remained unfazed by her threats, in fact, I even met her gaze directly and gave her a knowing smile. 

"What would you like me to explain?" She could threaten me all she wanted, but I knew she wouldn't go any further than that. 

"How are you alive? How didn't he kill you? Are you with him?" 

Tsunade's icy stares would make anyone tense, but I didn't shrink away. No, my resolve would never be shaken that easily by the likes of her. 

"I was away during the event, and I was too scared to go back after." A lie and a half lie. But she has no proof to say anything, she didn't know I existed until now. 

"And why should I believe you? How do I know you can be trusted?" 

I chuckled, "because I trusted you enough to understand what I was going through. I trusted you with the information that I am alive and well. I trusted you enough, hoping that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Besides, remember my age. I would've been a child during the event." 

That got her to stop and think. She still had the kunai to my neck, but it wasn't directed to threaten me anymore. The power of common sense always works. Only on those who are smart though. And she is. 

She finally lowered the kunai, "Fine, but I don't trust you. Not yet." 

I nodded, "I get it. But you don't need to, because I trust you. And that's what matters." She frowned slightly, while I smiled, "I am basically trusting you with my safety and my future." 

Tsunade sighed, "I didn't agree yet." 

I rolled my eyes, "even after all that." 

She raised her brow at my sarcasm, "not helping your case." 

I laughed at her words, "sorry sorry." 

Tsunade sighed again, "so, what would I be doing? I know you want eye surgery but...?" She left the sentence hanging so I could finish it. 

I smiled sadly, "I want you to replace my eyes with my mothers eyes." 

She froze at my words, "your mother's eyes?" 

I nodded, "I used my Sharingan too much and my eyes aren't as good anymore. So I want to replace them." It's not really a lie. It's more like if I did use them too much, that would be how it went. 

I need that Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. 

She leaned closer to my face so she could see my eyes. That's when I tensed a little, as my eyes were fine at the moment. I only used the Mangekyou once at this time. 

After a few seconds she nodded, "I see a little inflammation in your eyes." 

I was a little surprised, I didn't feel any pain. Maybe it isn't that much, but if she can see it with me only using it once, I need to hurry up and get them switched. 

This is a lot more dangerous than I thought. I swear it took a lot longer for the boys when they were using their own ones. Why am I getting the short end of the stick? Maybe because I'm only half an Uchiha? 

But I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. 

I know the Uchiha were all about keeping the bloodline pure, but that could be for different reasons. 

Even past royal families were like that, but that was mostly because their ego said that their blood was of the purest kind and couldn't be tainted with commoners. 

Maybe that's what it's like with the Uchiha? 

Or there could be an actual reason. I know many don't get the Sharingan, and even fewer get the Mangekyou. Maybe it's just luck. 

Damn, all these questions and no answers. 

While I was lost in thought, Tsunade was going through a crisis of her own. She frowned and glared at anything and everything. Her mind going back and forth and left to right to try and come up with a solution to her problems. 

Her many problems. All of which and blowing up in her face at the same time. She then groaned like talking was physically painful for her, "fine." 

I tilted my head, "what?" 

She glared at me, "fine! I'll do it!" 

I looked at her surprised, "you'll do it?" 

She scoffed, "that's what I said." 

She crossed her eyes, looking away from me, "I still expect the rest of the money though." 

I look unimpressed, "You spent all of it already, didn't you?" 

She blushed a little in embarrassment, "what gave you that idea?" 

I rolled my eyes, "you're known as the legendary sucker, it's not rocket science." She scoffed again, not saying anything. 

It is times like now that I see she was spoiled rotten by the first Hokage. Her privilege is showing. But she agreed to help me so I take back that statement. 

"Thank you so much, Lady Tsunade," I bowed my head to show my respect and gratitude. 

Tsunade shook her head, "there's no need to go that far." 

I chuckled, "I'm doing this because I want to." 

She smiled, "alright then, thank you. I also apologize." 

I smiled and raised my hand to shake hers, this time with no lies or deceit, and she did the same. 

We reached out our hands and clasped them together, the touch of our skin uniting in a symbol of trust and truth. Each of us bore a smile that glowed as brightly as the sunlight, a sign of our genuine and untempered joy at the connection we just made. 

We got past the hard part, and she doesn't distrust me any longer. I may not have her full trust yet, but I am on my way there.

A/n I see a pattern in how I release chapters. I release many in quick succession, then I disappear like the avatar when you need me most. But I always come back like William Afton. Haha, I feel stupid with all the references. I'm in a weird mood as you can see. Enjoy~

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