[Prologue] Endless Nothings

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[Your alarm clock goes off as you begrudgingly wake up, you smack it as it stops.]

[You swing your legs out of bed and stretch.]

[The guy with messy hair and (F/C) pajamas is you, (Y/N) (L/N). A guy who's had a relatively normal life. You didn't have any cool muscles like the other guys or the best looks, but you didn't mind all that much, you were fine being you. You played video games and watched Youtube like the average person, but one day suddenly got hit with the real world. You were stuck in an apartment building as you worked at a dead end job at a convenience store not too far away. Minimum wage was a bitch, your boss sucked, and it was on a more sketchy side of town where crime and violence was pretty high, but it was the only thing you really had.]

[You finish changing into your work clothes and look outside only to be met with a dark clouds and a lot of rain, you sigh as you make your way into the kitchen to get breakfast started. Now you weren't necessarily a negative person, in fact you always tried to make the best out of the situation, so when you accidentally yawned and dropped the bowl you were holding, shattering it into tiny pieces, you just grabbed a plastic tupperware container and put your cereal in that.]

[You weren't really a fan of coffee so you just brewed a hot chocolate, which at the least energized you, even if it did taste a little off.]

[You took your cereal and hot chocolate over to the couch where you turned on the TV, just about how bad the weather is, but what caught your eye was a stabbing near where you were, you just shuddered and switched the channel to some kind of documentary about how Big Foot was actually the all father of man kind or some shit.]

[You look over and see your pet rabbit Buns snoozing on the couch next to you.  You got her from the trash after she became stuck and took care of her ever sense, she loved you, and you loved her. You gently patted the top of her head as she snoozed after you finished breakfast you put some vegetables and water into her bowls as you turned off your TV, you quickly take a shower, brush your teeth and hair, and walked out the door.] 

[You hear another door open and turn to see a younger girl about the same age as you, who had light brown hair, blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks, you had to admit, she was really cute, you planned on  confessing to her soon since you found out she was single too.]

Emily: "Hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "H-hey." [You nervously say blushing.]

Emily: "Going back to that dead end job?"

(Y/N): "Yeah.."

[She got a nervous look on her face as she looked at you.]

Emily: "You did hear about the murder that was around here right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I saw it on the news before I head out, I'm not too worried, they're always just one offs and then don't happen again till like the next month."

[She frowned.]

Emily: "(Y/N), you should really be more careful about this kind of stuff.. what if you end up dead in an alley or something!?"

(Y/N): *Sigh* "I appreciate your concerns Em, but I'm sure I'll be fine, if worse comes to worse I've got pepper spray." [You say taking out a cylindrical object from your pocket.]

Emily: "Well.. alight. Guess I shouldn't keep your boss waiting."

(Y/N): "Yeah, you know how he gets.." [You say scratching the back of your head, whenever someone was late, they'd get stuck working the bathrooms. All you could say was whatever was in there was worse than Taco Bells restrooms. Luckily you've never really had to go back there, but you've heard horror stories.]

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