[Chapter 7] Cabbage Season

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[Megumin was looking over Darkness's card when she suddenly gasps.]

Megumin: "Hang on! According to her card she's a crusader! We'd be crazy to turn down someone as powerful as her!"

(Y/N): "That's what I'm saying! If I'm able to train her she can become an even more powerful member!"

[Kazuma thinks to himself for a bit then stands up.]

Kazuma: "Darkness, I'm sorry- but I haven't been totally honest with you."

[This garners her attention as she turns to him.]

Kazuma: "The thing is, (Y/N), Aqua and I may look, somewhat harmless." [He nods his head toward you.] "But our mission here is to bring down the Devil King."

Chris: "Woah.."

Megumin: "Are you serious?"

Aqua: "I know, pretty awesome huh!"

(Y/N): "But yeah, everything he says is true."

Kazuma: "Anyways, we know how rough it's gonna get for us and we're okay with that, but what about you Darkness? If he catches a lady knight like you, do you know what he's gonna do?"

[You're confused as you turn to him.]

Kazuma: "For starters, he'll chain you up and torture the hell outa you!"

Darkness: "Yes, I fully expect he would, for you see since days of old becoming his erotic plaything has been a female knights duty, and that alone makes it worthwhile to go!"

Kazuma: "Wait what..?"

Darkness: "Oh, sorry. Did I say something strange just now?"

(Y/N): *Mumbling* "I think strange is a bit of an understatement.."

[You sigh and turn to Megumin as Kazuma has some kind of internal conflict.]

(Y/N): "This also applies to you Megumin, remember it's the Devil King we're after, the supposed strongest being in the world. So if you feel like that's too much for you, than let us kno-"

[Before you can finish what you were saying Megumin slams her hands onto the table as she looks at you with a determined look.]

Megumin: "My name is Megumin! Member of the Crimson Demon clan, wielder of explosion, the finest spell!"

[She puts one foot on the table as she strikes a cool pose.]

Megumin: "The Devil King thinks he's superior to us, but I shall obliterate his vile presence with the strongest magic in the land!"

[Everything goes quiet as Kazuma looks in confusion as you just smile at her.]

(Y/N): "Guess that's that then."

[She sits back down as she returns the smile when Aqua holds onto your arm and whispers into your ear.]

Aqua: "H-hey (Y/N), after all that talk about the Devil King, I'm not so sure we should do this anymore.. I mean taking on the strongest being in the world is pretty crazy.."

[You turn to her and rest a hand on her shoulder.]

(Y/N): "Look, it sounds bad now, and even I'm admittedly kind worried about it, but out of all of us you should be the most motivated, it's the only way you can get back home remember?"

[She sighs as she looks at you.]

Aqua: "I know, but it's just such a daunting task! Maybe if I can appease the gods somehow they can let me back in without needing to fight him.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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