[Chapter 6] Steal!

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[You approach the guild, still tired as you stretch just in front of the door.]

(Y/N): "Jeez, slept in a bit longer than I wanted to.."

Aqua: "Tada!"

[To your surprise, you can hear Aqua inside of the guild already. You open the door and see Aqua doing some party tricks as she entertains guests, such as making water come from fans and growing a flower as it blooms. She takes in the praise from the guests as she turns around and spots you.]

Aqua: "(Y/N), look! Don'tcha just love the new skill I acquired! It's a great addition to my already cool set of powers."

(Y/N): "Aqua.. that's just a party trick."

Aqua: "Konosuba!"

[You, Kazuma, and Megumin are sat at a bar as Kazuma looks over his card.]

Kazuma: "I have no idea how to cash my points in for new skills, I wanna try but I don't wanna get a skill that's lame ya know?"

[Megumin stops eating as she looks at Kazuma, with a bit of food still on her face.]

Megumin: "First you have to find someone with the skill you want to teach you how to use it, after they do the skill will appear on your card. Then to finish learning it just transfer your points over to the skill."

(Y/N): "Sounds simple enough."

Kazuma: "So like, if I had enough points and wanted to learn explosion magic all I have to do is ask and you'd teach me?"

[From beside you Megumin jumps at Kazuma as she gets close to his face.]

Megumin: "Yes exactly! That's all you'd have to do Kazuma, if you wanna learn explosion magic, I can teach you as much as you want! When you think about it, is there any other skill that's worthwhile to know, no there most definitely is not."

[She gets even closer to his face.]

Megumin: "Just say the word and we shall walk the path of explosions together!"

Kazuma's Thoughts: "Way too close for comfort.."

[He puts his hands on her shoulders as he pushes her away.]

Kazuma: "Easy kiddo, don't get so riled up. I've only got three points anyway so it's not like you..."

[He looks and notices Megumin's depressed expression.]

(Y/N): "Kazuma what did you do?"

Kazuma: "What the hell are you blaming me for!?"

[She takes a bite out of a carrot and slowly eats it.]

Megumin: "He called me kiddo.."

[Kazuma just puts his head on his hand and looks away. After a bit Megumin turns to you.]

Megumin: "I know I told Kazuma but I should also extend my offer to you. Would you also want to walk the path of explosions with us?"

[She looks at you with a curious gaze as you consider her offer.]

(Y/N): "For as much as I'd love to, I think I want to become better at a skill I already know."

[You turn to her as she looks down, a little sad, you put on a smile and rest a hand on her shoulder.]

(Y/N): "How about this, after I master my sword skills, I promise that explosion will be one of the first spells I learn, how's that sound?"

[She gets a small smile on her face as she looks at you and nods.]

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