Chapter 34

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Jayden's POV

Sitting in my fathers office the utter feeling of failure sets in again, its been back a couple of days since we left Liam's pack, and have yet to receive anymore news on Ryder. Ive done everything in my power to find my son and get him back but its clearly not enough, hes been gone seventeen days and i cant help wondering if ill ever see him again. I'm about to leave the office to go in search of my father when the phone rings, making me pause, normally i would never answer his private line, but i feel compelled to pick it up. Having a quick internal battle with myself i pick up the phone and greet the person on the other line with a simple 'hello'.

"Hello, this is Alpha Cassius Torres of the Midnight Moon Pack, i need to speak to the Alpha right away", i can hear the command in his voice, but as a future Alpha myself is has no effect of me, i also notice the urgency behind his simple sentence. Quickly deciding i need to find out why i simply answer back "this is Jayden Roaul future Alpha of the Roaul Moonlight Pack, can i ask what this is concerning?", i hear him take a sharp intake of breathe as he says "actually its concerning the baby that was stolen from your pack, which is your son i believe." Its my turn to take in a sharp breathe, but i don't let myself get too hopeful, reminding myself that Ive been disappointed four times already as i try to calmly reply "have you found my son Alpha?." His reply feels like it takes hours although its literally seconds as i sit there holding my breathe "no." Who knew that a two lettered word could destroy any glimmer of hope i was still secretly holding? I release the breathe i was holding and find myself sagging further into my fathers chair. "Oh" is my witty reply, as i cant think of anything else to say and then remain silent. I'm positive hes hung up the phone as he too remains silent until he breaks the silence by saying "we've got two rogues here who claim to have information on your son, for return of joining our pack, but they've requested that they will only speak to you" he takes a breathe as he continues "they don't appear dangerous, and I'm more than certain that i will allow them to join the pack, of course this would depend on what they tell you." I let that information settle in my mind, could these people know where my son is? "Alpha, how sincere do they sound, and were they responsible for the attack on our pack house?" i ask needing to try and gorge what type of people they are. "They both maintain that they were at the meeting point after your son was taken, and had no idea that anyone was going to be hurt or they would not have helped. My impression is their telling the truth, or i would never let them join us" the Alpha replies. I cant help the feeling of hope that blossoms in my chest, is seems this is finally the lead we were looking for "We will be there in a few hours, and thank you" i inform him, before putting the phone down and rushing out to tell my father the news so we can set off immediately.

Sitting in the car it feels like its taking hours to arrive at the other pack, I'm currently sat in the back, while my father and Alexia's father are sitting in the front. Driving in the two cars behind us are some of our warriors and fighters from the pack, all eager to help get Ryder back. When i told my dad  about the other Alpha's call and what was discussed, Colin was with him, so he insisted on accompanying us too. He also requested we kept Alexia is the dark about the lead in case it doesn't work out, he didn't want her to get her hopes up only for them to be destroyed if the lead doesn't work out. I quickly agreed to this not wanting to cause Alex anymore distress then shes already going through, but hoping that when i finally return it will be with our son in my arms.

"This way" Cassius instructs, we've been at his pack house for about twenty minutes and after the introductions, and him telling my father basically what he told me, hes finally leading me to the room the couple are at. We've been told that they will only speak to myself but as my father is our Alpha he requested to be present, and Cassius finally agreed. Entering the bedroom, my eyes zoom immediately to the bed where a couple are sitting, i notice the girls hands are shaking badly  and she doesn't look up when we enter the room. The guy shows a little more confidence by meeting my eyes before dropping his head also, i sit myself on the couch, and my father sits next to me, while Cassius sits on the bed with the couple. I hold back a million questions that are running through my head, and try to patiently wait for Cassius to speak first as he requested earlier. "David and Lindsey, Jayden and Alpha Roaul have travelled for hours to obtain the information that you have, now that Jayden's here, please can you tell us what you know?" Cassius asked with more calm and patience's then i would have had. I watch the couple and it looks like they are having a conversation in their minds, which makes me realize that these people must be true mates. I cant help the tightness in my chest at seeing the love reflecting in both of their eyes, despite the fear that i can smell radiating of them. That bond is what Alex and i should be having now, we were so close to completing the mating process, and now i feel like not only are we on separate pages, but different books. I make a promise to myself right now that if this information leads to us getting Ryder back, i will do everything in my power to get the bond back with Alex that we has before this happened.

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